I don't care

1455 Words
Sarah POV “Are you sure that’s enough?” Sarah asked Nora, one of her trusted omegas. She had a few women in this castle who she trusted with her life, one of them being Nora. Nora was one of Sarah’s personal omegas and the only one who was allowed to clean her room. “More might kill them,” Nora whispered, with an unsure expression on her face. She was a pretty girl, with ginger hair and cute freckles on her face. She was petite in frame, not much in height, and had a very impressive full bosom. She had that look of innocence to her that men liked, which would be perfect for the task at hand. “Okay, fine. We don’t want to harm them,” Yet. Sarah was wary of the guards, but she was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Alastair was threatening their families or something. “How do I look?” Nora asked, pulling her skirt up higher while pushing her shirt down lower, making sure her ladies were on display. “Perfect for the part,” Sarah smiled. She felt so grateful to have such strong women in her corner—women who were willing to fight for what was right. “I’ll go first,” Nora winked. For such a shy girl, she was very bold sometimes. Sarah waited a few moments before following after the young omega. When she arrived at the door to her suite, Nora was already handing the men their drinks. “You guys work so hard,” She pouted, before trailing a hand up one of their arms, “poor baby,” The men were far too easy targets, and Sarah almost felt bad. Almost, but they needed the distraction to be able to start planning. “Ooops,” Nora giggled, as she dropped her tray to the floor. She leaned over to pick it up, giving the men a full view of her ass. They were none the wiser that their drinks were spiked with a sedative. The only question was how they were going to explain waking up on the floor. But Nora had told her to leave it up to me. She had a plan, and Sarah trusted her. “Gentlemen, Nora,” Sarah greeted with a frown on her face, as she appeared from behind the corner. The men barely paid her any attention as she walked past them, entering her suite. As soon as she locked the door behind her, Sarah ran to the secret passageway and rushed to Marcus’ wing of the castle. They needed to be as expeditious as possible. They only had about one hour, maybe less, until the sedative would stop working. “Oh, s**t, you scared me!” Sarah whisper-yelled, as she ran into Alexandra when she turned a corner. “I’m sorry,” Alexandra let out a nervous giggle. They both knew how much was at stake as they took the last few steps toward the exit. Watching the armed guard walk around the corner, Sarah quickly left the safety of the secret passage to sprint toward Marcus’ room, with Alexandra hot on her heels. The hurt in Marcus’ eyes when she told him he couldn’t touch her caused a sharp pain within her, especially watching the two Alex’s outing their love for one another so freely. But they needed to stay focused. They needed to find out what was causing her father’s illness. They had to speak to the other council members somehow, without Alastair present. “What did you find out?” “The doctor told me that she believes my father has been poisoned, but I got a feeling she wanted to say more, but every time she talks to me, Alastair is present,” Sarah huffed, “It’s clear he doesn’t want her to be alone with me.” “So, he’s behind your father’s poisoning…” Marcus trailed off. “Sarah, you should tell them about the new King,” Alexandra chimed from her spot on Alexander’s lap. “What new King?” Marcus asked. He stepped forward but then stepped back again. She could tell he was struggling with the distance between them. How had they gone from arguing in the garden to being unable to stay away from each other? “When we went on that trip to Edinburgh, we overhead the rogues talking about a new King. But we didn’t get much else from them though.” Sarah thought back to what they’d heard. “That’s not true…are you forgetting about the part where they seemed like pack members?” Alexandra hummed. “Pack members?” Alexander asked with a crooked brow. “What did I miss?” Christian suddenly entered the room, causing the people inside to startle. “We were just talking about Sarah’s trip to Edinburgh,” Marcus quickly filled in the blanks. “Alexandra noticed how the so-called rogues weren’t dirty or skinny. They even had patrol schedules set up.” “That is weird,” Marcus nodded, lost in thought. “So she came up with a theory that they might be pack members who rejected the Edinburgh pack.” Sarah ended. “My baby is so smart,” Alexander purred, pulling Alexandra in for a kiss. Christian rolled his eyes before moving his attention to Sarah. “But why?” “I’m not sure. But we did overhear something about taxes.” Sarah added, “But I don’t understand. My father hasn’t raised taxes in years. So I don’t know why they would complain about it.” She mused. “That does explain the Edinburgh Alpha collapsing though. It does sting when a pack member breaks the pack bond. I can only imagine how it would feel if thousands did it at the same time.” Marcus spoke. “You wouldn’t be able to distinguish it from a death.” Christian nodded. If anyone would know, it would be them. Everyone was lost in thought for a while, thinking about everything that had been spoken about. “We need to get into contact with the outside world somehow. Contact our packs.” Marcus said. “I need to speak to the other council members. No way they put Alastair in charge of the Kingdom.” Sarah huffed. “What about the witch?” Marcus asked, his face lighting up with hope. “Aurora isn’t here. She went to visit her coven and hasn’t returned since,” “How convenient. This cannot be a coincidence,” Christian suddenly spoke up. Sarah looked at him and thought of the moment they had met. It was when Sarah went to arrest him for a long list of crimes. One of them was trying to take over other packs. “What do you think is going on? You know… as….” Sarah spoke hesitantly. “You mean as a criminal who has tried to take over the world?” He let out a humorless chuckle. “I’m not sure. But none of this is a coincidence.” Sarah’s heart sank. They didn’t have a lead to follow other than Alastair. “Alastair seems to be behind all of this. The only question is why?” Marcus said, thinking out loud. “I could… find out,” Sarah stated cautiously. She was gauging Marcus’ reaction to her proposal. “What do you mean?” He asked. “I could…pretend to fall for his charm,” Sarah suggested. “Absolutely not!” Marcus’ eyes darkened in anger. “What other choice do we have, Marcus? We need to find out what’s going on.” “He is obsessed with you. It could work.” Alexandra chimed in, earning her a glare from Marcus. “Babe, maybe we should stay out of this one,” Alexander said. “No. We are not sacrificing your safety. That just isn’t an option.” Marcus grated out. “Well, it’s a good thing that the decision isn’t up to you then, isn’t it?” Sarah argued. She could feel her blood starting to boil. She didn’t like to be told what to do. She was a strong intelligent woman who was perfectly capable of making her own choices. “No! And that’s final!” Marcus countered, his voice rising in volume. “Keep your voices down! Are you trying to get us killed in here?” Benjamin whispered. “I don’t need anyone making choices for me, especially you!” Sarah fumed. “You know what, that’s fine. Do whatever you want.” Marcus shrugged. “I will,” Sarah said with a fake smile. “Great. I don’t care.”
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