Chapter 32 - Apartment

1093 Words
The apartment has two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, bathroom and a balcony. Megan went first to explore the house and decided on which room she and Icerielle will stay. “Alright, guys!” Megan shouted. The three, who are still on the ground floor, look up to Megan upstairs. Pointing in one of the doors on the second floor, Megan said, “This will be the room for me and Icerielle. The other one will be for the two guys. There will only be a few meters between our rooms so please behave yourself or both of you will be dead to me.” Megan went inside the room and jumped into bed. “Traveling with that car is really amazing but it’s tiring even if all we do is talk and sit,” Megan said. “I’m sorry for having Megan shout there. But as Megan said, please treat us with care,” Icerielle said. “Don’t worry about that, Icerielle. As we are not really used to living with someone that is not the same gender as us, we know how to respect and give space to others,” Felxir said. “Thank you so much. But I couldn’t believe that we are really allowed to live an academy life just like this,” Icerielle replied. “It’s like the hard work that we have been studying is already paying off,” Felxir said. “Yeah, so don’t get nilly dilly. Let’s make the best project possible,” Krieldyr said. “You guys are very enthusiastic. We still got almost a year for our project. We can savor the moment first since we will have to work afterwards,” Icerielle said. “You are right. This is our last year in the academy so we should really make everything out of it,” Felxir said. “Hey, Icerielle. Are you still not gonna unpack your things here. I want to discuss where to put things up so we can have an organized room,” Megan shouted. “Oops, gotta go,” Icerielle said. “Okay. Felxir, let’s also get going. We might set up a meeting so we could plan ahead,” Krieldyr said. “Alright,” Felxir replied. They also went upstairs to set everything down. After one hour, they met in the living room and started their meeting. “First thing first, we don’t have any idea how large the Earth Domain is and what are the places that are important. It would be easy if only the academy gave us information about this,” Krieldyr said. “Maybe it’s one of the challenges we have to overcome in getting our project,” Icerielle said. “What? Why would they have to challenge us? If they really wanted us to get a project that is very helpful, they should assist us with everything they got,” Krieldyr said. “Apparently, the other teams have a guide book with them even before they were fetched by their own guides. We are the only team that doesn’t have it but according to one of my sources, the guide book is just normal and we can get all the information from it just by asking and we can even get even better information if we will not follow the guide book given by the academy,” Megan said. “Really, then what should we do?” Felxir said. “We will ask for information, obviously. But before that, what we need to talk about is how we will live here in the apartment. Who will be responsible for cooking our meals and tending one thing and another here,” Megan replied. “Who among us is good at cooking?” Krieldyr asked. Icerielle looks at Megan worriedly while Megan excitedly raises her hand. “Oh, Megan. Do you have good cooking skills?” Felxir asked. “No, but I’m training so I want to handle the cooking part,” Megan replied. Icerielle put her hand on her face which looks like she’s very disappointed. “Krieldyr is good at cooking, maybe he can help you with that?” Felxir said. Icerielle's face became filled with hope. She said, “Krieldyr, would you help Megan?” “Sure thing, if it’s within my skills,” Krieldyr said. “Eh? Don’t worry about me, Krieldyr. I can manage on my own,” Megan replied. “Okay, if that’s what you really want. But if you want help, you can ask me anytime as long as I’m not busy,” Krieldyr said. “What are the other things that we need to tend to?” Felxir asked. “Maybe the laundry? Dishwashing? Taking care of those plants?” Megan replied. “About that, I’m curious about all of the technology here in this apartment. Some of the items here are very new to my eyes. Maybe because it’s only available here in Earth Domains?” Krieldyr said. “It’s also my first time seeing those? Should we look at them?” Icerielle asked. “That’s a great idea. If they are here, I’m sure that they have purpose and they might even help us with our daily chores,” Felxir said. The four went closely to one of the things that they saw. “What is this thing?” Felxir asked. “Maybe we should push off the button so we can check?” Megan asked. Krieldyr presses the biggest button on the thing and suddenly, the thing powers on. “Is this what I think it is?” Icerielle said. “I think, yes. It’s one of those technologies we saw in our academy. I never thought that they would let us have one in our own apartment,” Felxir replied. “This thing could make us watch something but according to the academy, there’s only a few things we could watch using it since it has just been invented,” Megan said. “The television. If we could find a place selling the thing that is being put inside, then we can watch using this thing,” Krieldyr replied. “Oh, right. I think there are a lot of people transforming what’s written in books to animated videos. That means, we can also use this to gather information for our project,” Icerielle replied. “Or we could just use it to have a relaxing time so we are not that stressed with our project,” Felxir said. “Either way, this thing proves to be helpful to us,” Krieldyr said.
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