Chapter 44 - A Great Experience

1153 Words
We are now observing every experiment that this company has. After eating our lunch in the cafeteria of this company, we proceeded on continuing. They are very open about everything, aren’t they too carefree about this? If the vampires have information about this thing, they might have a big advantage over us, Archeans. Krieldyr thought to himself. Teryn let the four observe and explain each process. “Why do you go so far to teach us these kinds of things?” Krieldyr asked. “You guys are the next generation of humanity and everything will be in your hands. I shouldn’t be the one accompanying you for your visit but the headmaster of the Ezklisea Academy asked me to personally do it for the four of you,” Teryn said. “So there is a huge expectation of our project, huh?” Felxir said. Teryn was shocked. She exclaimed, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to pressure you. But yes, from the look of it, they really think highly about you, so they work out everything to help you and challenge you at the same time.” “It’s fine, Miss Teryn. We are used to those kinds of things and we are really diligent in doing tasks, so there’s really no problem if they do have a huge expectation of us,” Krieldyr replied. “That’s right. And we will be working harder as we learn that thing. Right, guys?” Icerielle added. “Of course!” Felxir replied. “You guys are really enthusiastic. And here I’m worried that the Academy will let the four of you do things by yourselves,” Teryn said. “Wait, does that mean that the other group has someone that is guiding them?” Icerielle asked. “Yes, there is at least one professor per three groups that would accompany them for the entire time of visiting all of the four domains,” Teryn replied. “Eh?!” the four exclaimed in unison. Teryn laughs. She said, “Your reactions are funny. Ah, wait. Should I be laughing about this? Anyway, I’m sure that someone is observing you guys from afar, making sure that there’s nothing bad happening to you.” That’s right. It’s impossible that there’s no one in the Academy to check us up. Even though the murder is from when we were in the first years, they are still wary about what the vampires could do. I’m sure that they are convinced that the four of us are humans, but there’s a chance that vampires could target us since we are ahead of our class. Maybe that’s one of the reasons that Icerielle and Megan are not doing any malicious things. Why did I just realize this now? Krieldyr thought to himself. “Deep in thought, Krieldyr?” Icerielle asked. “Ah, not really,” Krieldyr said, then smiled. “Anyway, this is all about the research from my company. I know that I could discuss everything including the technical parts just from today, but I’m sure that I have covered everything that you need to know. If you have questions and there’s something that puzzles you, you can come back here anytime you want. Just make sure you get an appointment from Shenaya,” Teryn said. “Thank you very much, Miss Teryn,” the four said. They went to the elevator and Teryn saw them on the ground floor. “Oh, everyone. Did you enjoy having a glimpse of what our company does?” Shin asked. “Sir Shin! There’s a lot to absorb and we surely learn a lot of things,” Felxir replied. “That’s good to hear. I want to drive you guys home, but I don’t think I can do that now,” Shin said. “Oh, Shin. You wanted to slip away from an important meeting later?” Teryn said with a grin on her face. Shin scratches his head. He replied, “No, Ma’am. I’m just saying that I will not be able to accompany them again, just like yesterday.” “Okay, that’s good to hear. I even let you get some free time yesterday, so don’t even think of missing any meetings,” Teryn said. “Yes, Ma’am!” Shin said while saluting Teryn. “Guys, sorry if you have to go back to your apartment by yourselves. The timing is really not great because of the urgent meeting we will have. I hope you enjoy visiting here and I expect that you’ll come back here sooner. Though the waves of students from your academy will also be here next week, so it won’t be the same just like today,” Teryn said. “It’s fine, Miss Teryn. Thank you again for guiding us,” Krieldyr said. They walk outside and wave goodbye to Shin and Teryn. I wasn’t able to take a glimpse of what the earth crystals look like, but I’ll try to take a look in the next visit. Krieldyr thought to himself. “Woooh! What a great experience! Being able to see things closely and having a real researcher guide us is really different. It would be cool if there was something like this in the Central Domain,” Felxir said. “I’m sure that the Domain Lord is already working on that thing,” Krieldyr replied. “Are you guys hungry? Let’s eat in some restaurant here,” Megan said. “Will you pay for us?” Felxir asked. Megan scowled at Felxir. “J-just kidding, of course. We will pay for ourselves,” Felxir replied. Icerielle laughs. She said, “Of course, you guys have so much money that you don’t need free stuff.” “Hey, sometimes we want someone to just, you know, care for us,” Felxir replied. Krieldyr also laughs. He said, “Why are you being so dramatic right now? Do you want me to cover up your meal?” Felxir puts on a poker face. “So, where will we go? Sir Shin gave us the three best restaurants here. So let’s take a vote and it will be the place,” Megan said. “Then I’ll go for the Seaside Gourmet!” Felxir said. “No one wants your opinion,” Megan said. “Tch! Are you really messing with me,” Felxir asked. “I’ll go to the Izakaya Restaurant,” Krieldyr replied. “I want to try that first,” Megan added. “Then, it’s final,” Icerielle said. “Hey, are you guys really going to ignore me? Megan’s the one who started it,” Felxir said. “Sometimes you deserve to be ignored,” Krieldyr replied. “Huh?! You are also messing with me?” Felxir said. Felxir runs towards Krieldyr, but Krieldyr easily dodges Felxir, making him fall to the ground. “Ahm, I think that’s enough. Let’s go to the restaurant,” Icerielle said.
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