Chapter 55 - Monsters

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Krieldyr followed Icerielle who was already too far from him. This girl, she’s very fast. Even faster than intermediate Archean warriors. If it comes to Megan, she doesn’t really care if we could see her true power, huh? Wait, does that mean that Megan is more important than her. A person who is more important than the vampire princess? The queen? But she’s too young to be a queen. Is Megan the real princess? Krieldyr thought to himself while running and making sure that Icerielle was still in his vision. I was careless, did Felxir make a move on Megan. Isn’t it too early for that? Did Krieldyr buy some time so they could do this? Did I let my guard down and trust them this much? If Megan is caught and I can't do anything, the queen will punish me. What am I thinking? The punishment is only a minor thing, I won’t forgive myself if anything happens to my friend. I hope I’m not too late to do anything. Icerielle thought to herself. “Icerielle?” Felxir said. “What did you do to Megan?” Icerielle shouted with a piercing look towards Felxir. Felxir put both of his hands up in shock. “I-I didn’t do anything!” Felxir replied. Her gaze. It’s too scary. I froze in place. The thought of making a single move sends a chill in my spine, I think I could die in an instant if I did that. Why is she even mad at me? Felxir thought to himself. “Icerielle?!” Megan shouted. “Megan? Are you okay?” Icerielle said and ran toward her. “I’m fine, I was just shocked,” Megan replied. “From what?” Krieldyr asked as he approached the three. “Krieldyr, you’re also here. Did I make you guys worried? I’m sorry, but I think there’s really a ghost here,” Megan replied. Krieldyr looked at Felxir that still had his hands up. “Why are you like that?” Krieldyr asked Felxir. “Oh, I’m sorry, I might have spooked him. Sorry about that, Felxir,” Icerielle said. Felxir took a deep breath and put his hands down. He said, “I thought I’m done for.” “What’s that?” Krieldyr asked. “Ah, no, nothing,” Felxir replied. Felxir is not making fun of Megan. Does that mean that they really saw a ghost? That’s unbelievable. Krieldyr thought to himself. “Felxir? You also saw that, right?” Megan said. “I mean, maybe that’s just an animal? Though, I can say that I also saw that,” Felxir replied while scratching his head. Megan has the ability to discern the being near her. She would immediately know if the being is a human, a vampire, an archean or even animals. That means it’s a being that releases a certain kind of aura that Megan does not know. I do have the same ability so if it appears again, I might be able to confirm it. Icerielle thought to herself. “It’s here again!” Megan said. Icerielle closed her eyes and tried to feel the aura of the unknown being. Krieldyr and Felxir casted a skill through their mind. * *Synesthesia - a skill that makes the seven senses synchronously work together to perceive a very detailed description of a target. “It’s gone,” Megan said. Krieldyr and Felxir were spooked at what they perceived. “What was that?” Icerielle asked in disbelief. “I told you, it’s not normal. It might be a ghost, the same thing that I saw when I was young,” Megan said. “What do you guys think?” Icerielle asked and turned around to see Krieldyr and Felxir’s reaction. “Ahm, I don’t know either,” Felxir said while having a cold sweat. “Monsters from the abyss?” Krieldyr said. “But we are too far from the Obelus, and aren't the monsters from the abyss just a myth?” Megan said. “No, even though we are far from Obelus, there’s a bottomless ravine here in Mountain Koroha which could also be a part of Obelus,” Icerielle said. “Do you also believe that monsters really exist, Icerielle? They are just stories from fables, right?” Megan asked. But so vampires are. Yet, we exist, Megan. There’s a high possibility that it is indeed a monster from the abyss. Not just a high possibility, it might really be. It can be the only reason why its aura is a level different from any other known beings. But if it is really the monsters from the abyss, I think we will be safe. Icerielle thought to herself. “Krieldyr might be correct. If that’s the case, we’re in luck,” Icerielle replied. “True, those beings only attack a group of people with at least ten members. It is said that one monster attacking less than ten people is not worth their time,” Felxir said. “Then why does it appear here?” Megan asked. “It might have felt that there were people nearby,” Felxir replied. “Oh, wait. Does that mean that it is not a ghost?” Megan said in a happy tone. “If what we are discussing is the truth, then yes, it will not be classified as a ghost,” Felxir replied. “Oh, then I was scared for nothing,” Megan said. “What?! You’re scared of ghosts but not monsters?!” Felxir exclaimed. “Huh? Who said I’m scared of ghosts?” Megan said. “You. You admitted it already.” Felxir replied. Megan tantrumed. She said, “Whatever. But since it’s not a ghost, then I’m not scared at all.” “I don’t understand, what’s the difference?” Felxir asked. “Well, if those monsters approach us, then we might be able to fight against them since they have physical bodies. A ghost doesn't have any, so they might go for a kill without us making any resistance,” Megan replied. “Uhm, you’re right. But a monster from the abyss is a ferocious being. With our state, if it decides to attack out of its will, then the resistance you say we can do will just be futile,” Felxir replied. “You’re saying that just because we haven’t faced one,” Megan said. “Enough of that you two, have you scouted the nearby areas?” Krieldyr asked. Felxir gave a thumbs up. “Then let’s go back to the camp. I’ll be preparing for our dinner, the three of you should start discussing what we should do for the rest of our trip to our destination,” Krieldyr said.

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