Chapter 42 - Teryn

1113 Words
“Alright, this is where I’ll drop you off, right?” Shin asked. “Yes, Sir Shin. Thank you very much for accompanying us,” Icerielle said. “It’s nothing. I never thought that the academy would let you have an apartment that is as extravagant as that,” Shin replied. “Yeah, we are also wondering about that,” Felxir said. “Whatever the reason is, just be thankful that you could live the best style possible that could help you do the best you can for your project. So, I’ll be going. See you around,” Shin said. The four bowed as Shin drove away. “Woah, that was a great trip. I want to have my own car already,” Felxir said while walking inside their apartment. “You’re gonna spend a lot of time in bed again, right?” Krieldyr asked. “Of course, of course. There’s nothing in this world that could hug me the best other than my bed,” Krieldyr replied. “I hope that your bed eats you while you sleep,” Megan said. “What?!” Felxir exclaimed. “Enough with that. Let’s just eat dinner. Sir Shin treats us to some dinner to take home, so let’s just eat with peace in our mind, okay?” Krieldyr said. The next day, they went to the Earth Domain Central Development early in the morning. Shin greeted them and they went to talk with Shenaya. “You guys are really early. As expected of smart students, they are also punctual all the time,” Shenaya said. “We just don’t want to disappoint your company. We are the ones asking for things anyway,” Krieldyr responded. “Okay, I’ll have someone assist you in the waiting room,” Shenaya said. Shenaya called a girl seated in the lobby and let the four follow her. They go to a room that opens the moment the girl pushes a button. Felxir went on first after the girl. “This room is too narrow. Are we really waiting inside here?” Felxir said. The girl just stares at him while the other three just manage to go inside. “Felxir, just be patient. It’s just a waiting room, so don’t be like that,” Krieldyr replied. “A waiting room without a chair? Are you kidding me?” Felxir said. The girl laughs then pushes a button inside the room, then the room they were in went upwards. “What the?!” Felxir exclaimed. After a moment, the door opened automatically and the sight of a wide open space greeted them. The girl walked outside first and the four followed her. The girl turned around. She said, “Welcome to the Earth Domain Central Development! I hope you will learn a lot from my company!” Y-your company? You are the president of this research company?” Felxir asked. “Exactly! I’m the president of this company. Nice meeting all of you, I’m Teryn,” the girl said. Felxir bowed intensely. “I’m sorry about what I said earlier. Sorry if I’m a bit rude,” Felxir exclaimed. Teryn laughs. She said, “It’s fine. It might be your first time being in an elevator anyway.” “So that room is an elevator,” Icerielle said. “Yes, that is. Although the researchers in Fire Domain were the ones who developed that, we are able to procure it after the fourth Hovictus Annual Development Meeting. The elevator is more like a platform than a room that raises or lowers people on different floors of the building,” Teryn explained. “Ohh, since this building has five floors, having that thing is really helpful,” Krieldyr said. “Yeah, having to go upstairs for about five floors is very exhausting,” Megan said. Not only that, the elevator would significantly decrease the time it needed to find where you intended to go. But it’s not really great if you are talking about vampires and archeans. Vampires could jump higher than a two-storey building and archeans could levitate using magic. But for humans, this could become a necessity. The decline of vampires and archeans due to war made humans flourish here in Hovictus. Humans are generally more intelligent than us, Archeans and the vampires, which is the reason that they manage to still be here without having extreme physical ability and magic ability. Krieldyr thought to himself. “We are in the era of technological revolution and I hope that I can see everything before I leave this place. The elevator is only one of those things that is very fulfilling to see. Although the elevator is already a concept of the past, having to have crystals run them makes things more effective,” Teryn said. “Crystals? I’m really curious about those things,” Icerielle said. “Oh, I see. During your first and second year at the academy, you are already introduced to them. The power that crystals have is very mystical, right? Anyway, let’s go to a meeting room first so we can discuss more about that before I introduce you to what we have here in the company,” Teryn said. “I’m really impressed with how big and how well organized this place is,” Krieldyr said. Teryn laughs. She said, “Of course this place needs to be this big. We need many kinds of things and there are a lot of people working together. We cannot have efficient work if we are clumped up with each other.” “So there are a lot of workers here, huh?” Megan said. “There are five hundred people working here having different shifts. Each floor could accommodate more than fifty people, since we have this place wider and longer than usual. It’s hard having to manage all of them, but I have a team to do those things so it’s not a problem at all,” Teryn explained. “If that’s the case, then we have many things to learn here. Are we still going to visit other research companies?” Felxir asked. “I think that your classmates only have two scheduled visits to two companies. But if I’m in your place, you should visit as much as possible since the other places have different approaches to how to do things,” Teryn said. “I hope we have enough time for that,” Felxir said. “It’s fine if you do things efficiently. It’s good that you are really early so we can start things up. We’re here in the meeting room so let’s get the discussion going,” Teryn replied.
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