Under the City:

1677 Words

Under the City: David pulled Bessie up to the X on the map that Doyle provided Helena. The small horseless carriage was overloaded with the six individuals prepared for battle. Helena waited until after dark to begin the expedition. At least Doyle parked the hero-cycle in a deserted alley, not far from the open manhole cover Helena assumed Doyle had entered. “At least once we’re in the tunnels, it won’t make a difference if it’s night or day outside,” David commented as he shut down Bessie’s boiler. Helena surveyed her ragtag rescue team, comprising herself with one of Mister Wizard’s gas-powered automatic pistols and two cutlasses strapped to her back. Sigmund and Ross were armed the same way. Helena tried to convince Ross to stay behind to heal, but she knew there was no way he would

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