Chapter 7: Boyfriend Life

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Chapter 7: Boyfriend LifeIt was a harrowing few days for Fargo because of dealing with his business and insurance company. There were dozens of questions asked about Saddling Cowboys and a claim for the loss was eventually executed. Beforehand, an insurance adjuster actually drove to the site and took notes on his tablet. Fargo knew the guy, Bert Rider, but not well. Steve Chow used to be his main representative. Fargo dated him a few years back, but Chow wanted a long-term relationship with Fargo, and moved away from Stockton County because of his job, ending up at Barefoot Beach, Florida. Neither of the men wanted to separate, but their dating had ended short. Thereafter, Chow was asked out by a new prospect in Florida and Fargo became involved with Brent Trigger. Officer Brice Dickles

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