A Lucky Meeting

1737 Words

Shelby's POV After we showed everyone our wolves, earning us a bunch of ooohs and ahhhs. Asher and Slate joined Chloe and Annabella for a late night run. I was right James loved the lightening pattern going across Chloe's fur. Liam and Jackie went off to the living room, something about a date with COD. It felt so freeing just running around with my mate and friends. I figured out I can control the vamp speed, as we now call it. All the problems and stress of our lives seems to just melt away in the moment. Feeling the wind in my fur and soft ground under my pads. We decided to break apart from our friends, and let our wolves go have their own fun with their mates. Annabella deserves to have her time to let loose. I couldn't imagine being cooped up all day in someone's mind, especially a

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