
1260 Words

Jackie's POV I am super excited and surprised I have been invited to join my sisters and their mates. Plus, I've always wanted to be in council so this will just seal the deal for me. My life seems to be lining itself up for me. I can't complain about it one bit. "It's 11:55pm." Mama announces. We turn off the tv and everyone gathers around me. I feel uneasy having this many eyes on me. This is why I prefer book work. I'm not a public person at all. Crowds make me uncomfortable. "Are you ready?" Jenna asks me. "Have been for years now." I say nervously. All of a sudden something inside my mind snaps and I hear and feel a rustling in the back of my mind. 'Hello?' I say eagerly inside my head. 'Are you there?' 'Hello little one. I'm your wolf. My name is Sheena. Nice to meet you Ja

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