
1560 Words

Shelby's POV "Let's start with witch stuff first. It's the easiest because there isn't that much that really pertains to our situation. We'll only talk about the stuff that is directly affecting to us." Liam says to Jackie. "There isn't too much to say until we get to the you know what part." We all turn toward each other looking intrigued with raised eyebrows. What in the world could they be talking about? "Alright." Jackie replies with a head nod. "We went through loads of documents. Witch history is interesting. It's also very sad. It seems your Gammy is a witch of a very strong bloodline. Her lineage goes back as far as the first Supreme recorded on record. That was thousands of years ago. There hasn't been any other witches, except of Bane blood, to ever hold the Supreme title. Y

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