Chapter 4 – Three years later

1184 Words
Seya is already eight years old, and he is getting ready to leave while his mother is at her desk, taking some notes of her work. “I am going to Father Sully’s house, okay? Brother Null is learning some new techniques today.” “Okay. Remember, I am going on a journey for a few days, father will come home in the evening and he is going to get you, okay?” “Oh, that’s right! Have a safe trip, mother. When I am 10, I will start going with you, right?” “Yes dear, you sure will. Now be a good boy at the Denar’an house, okay?” “Of course! When was the last time that I didn’t behave properly at their house?” Seya’s mother recalled the previous blunders of her son while smiling. “Let me see, you completely burned the head of Sully one day, almost drowned Null, and Cemil was blind for 2 days after the light explosion that you did on the back of their house... and don’t forget their cows stopped giving any milk for one week after you created that gigantic Dark square...” “Oops... Sully’s face was funny for a moment, but I healed him right away! And I was just trying to help mother Cemil by drying their clothes faster... I just did a tiny mistake on the amount of magic.” His mother raised one eyebrow. “And what about Null?” “He was thirsty and asked for some water. I just miscalculated and that kind of happened.” Seya’s mother held her laughter, remembering the look on Cemil’s face. “And I suppose the cows were just another blunder?” “No, that was on purpose. They were giving me weird looks. One of them tried to eat me!” “Ahahahah... Okay, be careful while I am gone, okay?” “Yes, mum. I am going. See you in a few days.” … Seya greeted the Big RabbitKind in front of him when he entered his neighbour’s house. “Hello, Father Crazy Rabbit!” Sully Denar’an got up from his chair and held Seya up. “Hello there, little one. We were just waiting for you. Your brother Null is already on the back, stretching.” Cemil taped Seya’s head, smiling at him. “Hello, dear. Be careful today okay? Watch from the side, when those two start some new styles, it always gets messy.” “Okay, mother Cemil.” … Sully was doing a demonstration, while Null was watching very closely. “It’s almost like that but do it more like this...” Seya was thinking while imitating the movements. “||... So, today it’s Jujutsu, the art of using indirect force, like joint locks and throwing techniques... Gift number one is really amazing. I once saw a movie with this kind of fight, and I remember it perfectly. Let me see... Yeah, my body reacts to the movements that I remember. Goddess, did you also make this? Seems like I can even do these movements, without even trying it before. ...||" Sully Denar’an was demonstrating some new movements to Null, while Seya was watching on the side, and he soon started to imitate the same movements for the first time, and almost effortlessly. When Sully and Null noticed Seya, they were looking at him, in silence. When seya felt their gaze, he looked back. “Ah, I was just imitating brother Null...” Sully pointed at Seya, smiling. He had another crazy idea. “Null, practice this with Seya out there.” Null and Seya looked at each other, and they shouted at the same time while looking at Sully, in disbelief. Seya was way younger for doing such advanced techniques. Seya looked at the smiling big man. “Father?” “Null, normal speed, low force. Seya, full speed, full strength. Go!” Seya started to use Body Strengthening Magic on all of his body so that he could match Null’s natural speed. “||... Body enhancement, speed, strength... let’s do this! ...||" They got ready, and as soon as Null threw a punch at Seya’s face, he reacted. “||... Null is slowing. Right arm here, I turn, twist, throw...Oops! ...||" Null flew over Seya’s head, and landed on Seya’s side, hard on the floor. But because he landed badly, his arm was twisted in a strange position. “Arrrghhhh!!!!” Seya imediatelly poured Magic on the broken arm. “I got this! …. There, bone fixed. Sorry brother Null, I guess I used too much Body Enhancement Magic.” Sully Denar’an was smiling, he had an idea. “Null, you got yourself a new training partner for this technique.” “Father, very soon we can start practising with weapons, this little guy here will be okay!” “Yeah, let’s make a scary surprise for his mother when she comes back! Hehehehe!” … A few days later, Sully Denar’an was giving pointers while Seya and Null fought with real weapons. “That’s it Null, don’t let him get you! Seya, aim for his neck!!” Seya was thinking, while avoiding Null’s strikes and trying to get through his defences. “||... As always, another crazy with a Sojutsu spear, brother Null with a sword... well, since I am smaller, a spear was the best choice for me... And my Gift number One let me remember the movements of some Jackie Chan movies. ...||” Using a weird twist to the left followed by a hard jump to the right, Seya avoided one s***h from Null, and because Seya’s spear gave him a longer reach, he stuck Null’s stomach. “Arghhhhhh...” “Oops, I got this... there, the bleeding stopped. Sorry, brother!” Sully and Null were both looking at Seya, with a surprised look because of his weird feint that took Null completely by surprise. Seya made a slight smile as he thought, “||... Oops, I messed up again. ...||” Sully had an idea. He noted that Null’s disadvantage on the previous fight was a lack of reach. And because Seya was small, a lighter weapon would be good for him. “Null, grab the Sojutsu spear. Seya, use the Naginata.” A Naginata was a long spear and with a sharp flat sword on the deadliest side, that would bend with each strike making it very dangerous and also, very light. Null couldn’t disguise his surprise. “What, Seya is going to use mother’s weapon of choice?” Sully sat on the ground, pointing at them. “Again! Null, full speed, normal strength, Seya full speed, full strength. Go!” Seya got ready, appreciating the weight of his new weapon. Or on that case, the lack of it. “Father, I aim for his neck again?” “No, at his belly. Let’s see if this time, he keeps his insides in place.” Seya shook his head, it was going to become troublesome. “Crazy, crazy Rabbit...”
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