Something Good

1012 Words

Seth We combed both buildings after the fires were put out. Gavin found a partially burned binder. It had some dates in it and we believe those are upcoming auction dates. They would fit the timeframe based off the first one we broke up and then this one. Several research folders and journals were found in an office across from the lab. Ben had been reading through them when we finally left. Addi was exhausted. I had to hold her up to get her showered and dressed. She was asleep before I could lay her on the mattress. Raleigh was out. I peered into his crib seeing him sprawled out in his favorite position, the starfish. Arms and legs spread wide, blissfully content. My lips tug up in a smile of pure love for my little man. I gaze back and forth between him and Addi, taking a deep breath

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