Accepting Happiness

1741 Words

Chloe “Thank you both for helping me so much.” I glance over at Addi and Halley as they help me with my surprise for Morgan. It’s been a week since our first date and I plan to accept him tonight. I have no idea if he’s ready from his end but I am and I want him to know I’m not going anywhere. Morgan’s told me all about Aubrey and the rage that fills me anytime he mentions how she treated him astounds me. Addi always says she’d like to resurrect her and Richmond to kill them once a week. I’d help her gladly. My mate never deserved to be treated that way. He left me flowers this morning before he and Seth had to go visit another pack for a contract negotiation. They will be back late tonight. It should give us just enough time to get this done. He said I could move in whenever I wanted a

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