How It All Came To Be

1631 Words

Seth Morgan won’t wake just yet so with thought in mind, I walk back into the ballroom to address the guests. “Everyone if I may have your attention. You are all welcome to remain tonight if you would like. I will ask that you go home tomorrow instead of spending another night to allow me to get my pack back into rightful order. We can reconvene this meeting in three weeks if that will be convenient.” “You’ve got my vote.” Ben says from the back with a grin. “Gotta say this has been the most exciting Alpha meeting we’ve had in a few years.” “Yeah Seth, you got anymore party tricks for us? Maybe a long-lost cousin who’s really a witch and wants to take over the packhouse.” Gavin jokes with a wink. I laugh. “I am sorry it got so dramatic. Please let me know if you need any help with trav

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