A Mother’s Love

1129 Words

Addi I watch as a lot of the pack gathers in the training field. The moon is high and it’s time for Raleigh’s “first” shift. Our little starfish’s eighteenth birthday. It’s a tradition in our pack for the future Alpha to shift in front of the pack for the first time. It happens when a wolf turns eighteen. Only our family knows that he shifted at sixteen. We’ve been able to conceal that for the last two years. That kind of information is too dangerous to let out. Who knows who or what might come after him realizing that anomaly shows his power. Our family will surround him tonight so it won’t seem so effortless for him to shift. We form the circle around him. Seth stands next to him and I hear him whispering words of encouragement to keep his aura in check. Seth calls out. “Thank you al

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