And we meet....... Four years back… “Do you think we should do this Vihaan? Do you think its right? I don’t think it’s a good idea. What if someone catches us? I’m just very nervous! What if someone tells Bhai! What would I do then? Bhai will eat me alive. He will have my head chopped in middle of the square-” “Similar to what king Joffery did with poor Eddard Stark!” “-And then he would not hear any of my pleadings. What if he tells mother and father? Oh-my-sweet-Jesus, I can’t afford any of those!” Komal groaned, making Vihaan chuckle at how absurd his innocent girlfriend sounded when it wasn’t that big of an issue to cry over. It was her old habit to exaggerate the matter and then get unnecessarily worried over it when in reality the situation could be smoothly managed. “Wait! Edd