��What do I know?�� I asked, trying to pretend I didn��t know anything. It��s actually not to bad to be a fool sometimes. I won��t reveal her secret until the day comes. As for the final showdown, I will do it sooner or later. But the premise is that I have to be prepared to make Julia and Tyler Owen fall into an irreparable disaster. "No... nothing." my wife whispered. "Honey, I'm sorry. It's my fault this time. I should have told you earlier about the job hopping." I said in a low voice, just giving her a step down. After all, in this situation, I don't want to talk with her any more. Julia, in particular, wanted to end this topic as soon as possible, because if she continued, she was likely to expose herself. In this way, the conversation suddenly stopped. After I washed up, I w