Chapter 9: Lucian

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Zora’s POV We were back in the infirmary, Aiden and I. In the same enclosed space where he had reset my ankle and promptly reminded me of what I was, nothing but a plaything. But today was different. There was no back and forth, no resistance, just red hot list as we silently spoke with our eyes and when his hands traveled up my thighs, I parted my legs even wider, giving him access and he groaned, biting his lower lip as he traced a finger down my clit through my underwear, making me freeze in anticipation. God, it felt like my entire body was on fire as he pushed my underpants aside and slid a finger into my wet, dripping p***y and I arched my back, trying to close my eyes but he didn’t let me, his grip at the back of my neck strong just like the rest of him. “Look at me. Look at who is doing this to you. You belong to me. To us!” That should have sent alarm bells ringing in my head that something was not right but I was too far gone, whimpering and shaking as he licked my throat. I was very close, so close and that was when I heard my name. “Zora! Zora, wake up.” I opened my eyes to the familiar ceilings of what was now my bedroom and saw Gwen staring down at me, her eyes filled with concern. So that had been a dream. It had felt so real… “How did you even manage to oversleep? It’s past breakfast time and Lilith was already on her way here, sure that you were still asleep. I rushed here instead.” Flying from the bed, my eyes widened in panic. What was I going to do? How could I have overslept? Worse, how could I have dreamt about Aiden? I approached Gwen with desperation burning in my eyes, my heart drumming a frantic rhythm as the weight of facing Lilith’s wrath bore down on me. “Gwen, please,” I pleaded, my voice a shaky whisper. “I can’t afford for Lilith to discover what happened. Could you possibly help me out of this situation? I’d be in your debt, I promise.” Gwen’s gaze danced with a combination of amusement and compassion, as if she understood the gravity of my predicament. “You’re really getting yourself into a mess, Zora,” she remarked, a mischievous grin tugging at the corner of her lips. “But I can’t resist your desperate puppy eyes. Alright, here’s the plan. We’re going to switch duty posts for the day. I’ll take care of the kitchen, where Lilith usually hangs around so she doesn’t interrogate you, and you’ll handle the library duties.” A surge of gratitude swept over me, and I clasped my hands together, nearly overcome with relief. “Oh, thank you, Gwen! You have no idea how much this means to me.” Gwen chuckled softly, giving me a knowing look. “Oh, I have a pretty good idea. Just make sure to remember this favor when I come knocking for some help in the future.” The weight that had been pressing down on me lifted as Gwen agreed to swap duties, and I showered her with profuse gratitude. “Gwen, you’re a lifesaver,” I gushed, my voice brimming with genuine relief. “I owe you big time for this.” I was about to leave the room when she spoke again. “I heard what happened with one of the Lords. Be careful, Zora. Be very careful” I Wondering what her words could mean and sure it didn’t mean anything good, i headed out of the room but as I stepped into the library, my breath caught in my throat at the breathtaking sight that unfolded before me. Rows upon rows of shelves, each cradling books of diverse shapes and sizes, stretched out like a vast sea of knowledge. It was a book lover’s paradise, a haven where countless stories, ideas, and adventures lay waiting to be explored. The memories of Ethan’s patient guidance in teaching me to read flooded back, and I couldn’t help but feel a swell of gratitude for his generosity. My fingers danced delicately over the spines of the books, as if connecting with the wisdom they held. Yet, amidst the beauty of the library, an overpowering sadness crashed over me, threatening to drown me in its waves. The memory of Ethan, the way he smiled, his laughter, and his presence, was still so vivid. The gaping void his absence had left behind was an ache that pulsed within my chest, relentless and cruel. I found myself drawn to a nearby couch, sinking onto it as tears spilled unbidden down my cheeks. Each tear was a tribute to the love we had shared, a testament to the gaping hole he had left in my heart. The library, as magnificent as it was, offered no solace for the emptiness that gnawed at me. As the sobs subsided, exhaustion tugged at my senses, and I drifted into an uneasy slumber, my dreams haunted by the echo of Ethan’s laughter and the touch of his hand. The hours slipped away, marked by tearful reflection and the weight of my grief. Eventually, exhaustion claimed me, pulling me into a restless slumber that was stained with tears. Time became a blur as I slept, my dreams a canvas of memories and unspoken longing. It was in the midst of this tear-soaked reprieve that a sudden jolt brought me back to consciousness. My heart raced in my chest as my eyes flew open, the remnants of my dreams mingling with the hazy reality before me. There, standing over me, was a presence that sent shivers down my spine. Panic surged through my veins, a wild rush of fear and adrenaline. I scrambled to my feet, stumbling back, my wide eyes fixed on the figure that had disturbed my sleep. As my vision cleared, recognition pierced through the fog of alarm. It was one of the triplets, though a markedly different one from those I had met before. Unlike Aiden's sly smirks or the emotionless facade of the unnamed sibling, this triplet exuded an air of approachability that tugged at my apprehension. His hair cascaded gracefully into a man bun, and a smile that reached his eyes illuminated his features. It was a genuine expression, a stark contrast to the calculated veneers of his brothers. His presence seemed to hold a magnetism, drawing my attention despite my trepidation and as my pulse gradually steadied, I found myself observing him more closely, curiosity mingling with the remnants of my panic. A warm flush of embarrassment crept up my cheeks as his eyes met mine, his gaze focused on the telltale sign of my less-than-graceful slumber. His amused chuckle was as infectious as it was disarming. "You had a little something there," he quipped, offering me a handkerchief as if to rescue me from the remnants of my vulnerability. My fingers brushed against the soft fabric of the handkerchief as I accepted it with a grateful smile, muttering a self-conscious, "Thanks." Wiping away the evidence of my unintended nap, I couldn't help but feel mortified by the whole situation, even as a small smile tugged at my lips. His eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and genuine curiosity, drawing me in as he posed a question that I hadn't expected. "So, how are you finding things here?" His voice held a hint of intrigue, inviting me to share my thoughts. My initial snort of laughter caught me off guard, a testament to my candidness in the moment. It didn't take long for me to realize that Lilith's vigilant presence was a looming shadow, a reminder that appearances had to be carefully maintained. My amusement transformed into a wry grin, and I bowed hastily as if on instinct, mumbling out an apology “Forgive me, my Lord.” His laughter, rich and warm, washed over me like a soothing balm, "Not bad," he responded, a playful glint in his eyes suggesting that he saw through my performance. "But next time, maybe put a little more sincerity into that apology. You know, like you actually mean it." You've got a point," I admitted, my gaze locking with his. It was a rare moment of unguarded connection, an acknowledgment that we were both navigating the intricacies of Lilith's world in our own ways. "It's Lucian," he introduced himself, his name rolling off his tongue with a casual ease. The revelation struck me like a puzzle piece snapping into place. Aiden. Lucian. The triplets each had their own unique aura, yet there was an inexplicable thread connecting them all. Recognition glimmered in my eyes as I pieced it together aloud, "So, you're Lucian, which means the one I met before must be Damon, uh, my Lord." He laughed. “You do have a mouth on you.” He said but unlike Aiden’s, I didn’t feel horrified by the implication of that statement. "You should get some more sleep," he said, his smile wide and carefree. "And don't worry, your little secret's safe with me. I won't tell a soul." As he began to walk away, my gaze lingered on his retreating form, wondering what his game was. Why was he nice to me? It made me almost forget that I was nothing more than a captive here but even though I was scared shitless of him, I was too tired to think about running today so I decided to sleep. If anyone caught me here, I would say it was Lord Lucian.
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