Chapter 3: From Hot Oil To Open Fire.

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Zora’s POV I couldn’t believe my ears, it was still hard to believe that despite knowing that I was going to be killed, Lily still felt no remorse at all. What was I thinking, that she’d actually change her mind about me just because I was about to get sacrificed to the moon god? Crying pathetically as I got led to the sacrificial arena, with every step I took, my legs started to become weaker. It felt as though they couldn’t carry me anymore but I dared not stand or waste anymore time. My hands were bonded together and my feet were also in shackles, making it slightly difficult for me to walk properly. It was hard to believe that in just a couple of hours, my life would end. My world had become so empty and drained of all the hopes whatsoever. We soon got to the arena and I was displayed in the middle of the open space to the crowd of onlookers while the priests did what they had to do, making me watch as they set fire to the torch they were going to set me ablaze with. “For the moon god!” The priest yelled and the crowds who were standing to watch as the sacrifice was taking place repeated after him in a loud chant. “Accept our sacrifice and bless this pack with lots of riches and prosperity.” He finished as he approached me. I could smell the burning torch as the priest approached me with it and I stood with my eyes closed even though there was a blindfold on my eyes, as I anticipated my plight. I could feel the heat as they got closer and my breath seized but before I could feel the flames licking up my skin, I heard a deafening sound followed by the loud cries of the crowd. The sound of an explosion filled the air and I opened my eyes but everywhere was still dark. The blindfold from when the priest approached me with the torch was still on my face and there was no way I could yank it off because of my bonded hands. I could tell that everywhere had gotten so dusty when the smell of the fresh sand hit my nose and the loud, distressed cries of the pack members filled the air, along with sounds of the crowd scattering in different directions at once. The commotion happening around me told me that whatever was going on right now, wasn’t something good. For a moment the sound of the winds among the trees suddenly stopped and the world somehow grew completely still. Moments later, as I stood and listened, the commotion around me grew louder once again. The wind started becoming ferocious, gaining in power at once until it bursted over the wide field and beat like a fist against the walls behind me. For fatal seconds, I stood, I couldn’t see anything, unable to think or even move and as I faltered in an attempt to run, it was too late for me and I felt a strong and rough pull on my hair, right before I got thrown across the wide yard. Crawling and trying to get out of there as fast as I could, my body hit something and it felt like… leather? I’d wanted to turn the other way when I roughly got pulled once again and this time, I felt too weak to attempt crawling away again. My heartbeat was thumping against my ribs and it felt like I might faint from how dizzy I currently am. Maybe this is it, this is where it ends and whatever happens is still going to take my life, just like what the moon god wanted in the first place. I felt a heavy breath at the back of my neck followed by the touch of a rough hand and before I could think further the blindfold was yanked off of my face. It took a while for my eyes to adapt to the brightness of the sun and I looked around in shock as fear tightened like a knot in my chest at the dead bodies of a few people that were supposed to be in the arena watching me get sacrificed to the moon god. By the looks of things, so many people had managed to escape. What just happened here? Lifting my gaze, I looked up to see three identical men in front of me and at once, cold chills ran down my spine again as I crawled backwards in fear, attempting to get away from them at once without even stopping to think. Their bulky figures stiffened, and the three of them had the exact kind of expression. Anger. They looked extremely pissed, and I gulped emptily in fright. The sight of them whispering amongst themselves made raw fear grip me as I thought about what these triplets planned on doing with me after the sacrifice which they had disrupted. Their strong, muscles filled bodies moved with an easy grace as if them and their guards hadn't single handedly disrupted a full pack. As they walked towards me with nonchalant grace, I stopped crawling backwards when I realised that there was no getting away from them. One of them bent in front of me and pulled me out of the hole I’d thought I had crawled into and once again, I was kneeling at their feet. They had an intimidating aura that commands obedience, their pheromones were so strong that I found it difficult to breathe without arching my throat in submission. “From now on, you’re ours,” One of them spoke and I opened my mouth in shock, then confusion. I attempted to speak but nothing came forth. “You’re now our plaything and since it’s so obvious that no one wants you, because you were clearly just about to be set ablaze in the presence of thousands of eyes before our arrival.” Another one spoke and once again, I couldn’t tell if they were different people or if it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. The sound of their laughter made me swallow down hard on the bile that had formed at the back of my throat as I stared at them. I attempted to avert my gaze but the one who had crouched before me reached out and grasped my neck, making my heart fly into my throat at once, prompting a gasp from me. He tightened his grip a moment later and I wheezed as my smaller hands rushed to grasp his large wrist in terror. His eyes were a chilling gold, which were identical to the remaining two who were still standing, and it felt like their eyes alone were compelling me into submission. Their pheromones held me spellbound the moment and I could do nothing but gasp and claw at the alpha’s wrist on feeling my eyesight start to blacken out. It wasn’t till the second one crouched down, that the first one finally loosened his hold on my throat. The second one whose hair was the longest amongst the three men, reached out and tilted my jaw up with his fingers, moving my face around as if examining a piece of meat. And throughout, I silently pray they don’t suddenly decide to snap my throat. They seemed strong enough to do it in the blink of an eye. “You can either agree to become our plaything, a toy to be shared amongst the three of us, or choose to die by our hands right now.” The one who was still examining my face gruffed in a low voice. I gulped shakily and tears slide down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe that my life had taken a full three hundred and sixty in only a little while. I knew I never had a choice in this situation since the moment I got picked to be the sacrificial lamb. I don’t have anyone else, nor a reason to still stay alive. They’d just offered me another chance at life, one which seemed as daunting as my normal life, it made dread clog up my throat. I could easily choose to die by their hands right now, but despite everything, I wasn’t sure I was ready to die right now. Before I could think about my answer twice, I blurted my answer out. “I agree to be your… p- plaything.”
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