Chapter 1 - Demons

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Chapter 1 - Demons“Stop. I'll take an ear off if you move again.” I gaped at my cousin, Lindee, who wielded the scissors over Vasyl's head. Vasyl made a little growl of annoyance. He sat in my kitchen blinking under bright overhead bulbs with a bath towel arranged over his shoulders. Clippings of his wavy hair on the floor around him looking like black snakes that a cat had clawed, chewed and played with. I bent down to gather one or two thick, wavy trimmings from the drastic cutting Lindee had done to my husband's hair. I held three foot long pieces. Women would pay through the nose for such extensions. I wasn't going to sell them. I wanted it for a keepsake. The notion was rather silly, or possibly romantic, I know. But I couldn't see throwing it all into the trash. It was simply too beautiful. Moments ago, Lindee had tried unsuccessfully to use the barber scissors my dad had. “His hair is like cutting through chicken wire!” Lindee had complained—and not quietly. She then pulled out the large sheers from my mother's old sewing table. They were sharp and went through his hair easily. Poor Vasyl. He'd lost most of his hair last night in the violent storm when he'd tackled Nicolas in my bedroom in Tremayne Towers in Chicago. They'd both crashed out my bedroom window and were side-swiped by a bolt of lightning that had hit Nicolas directly, killing him. Vasyl had made a remarkable recovery in less than twenty-four hours. Tonight he asked us to cut the rest of his hair off, because half of it had been burnt in a jagged way (and smelled bad), to the shoulders. His wings had protected him from the lightning strike, while Nicolas had taken the full brunt of it, already dead well before his ashes hit the pavement below. But the side-splash of lightning had hit Vasyl's wings, sending him careening into a building across the way where he clung until Bjorn Tremayne got to him almost a half hour later. His beautiful hair. All of it gone in a matter of a couple of clips. Now the lengths fell a little past his collar. He looked like a totally different man. His cheekbones seemed sharper, and those violet eyes not as dark as they usually were. “Oh, wow. What happened to your ears?” Lindee asked, as she moved to trim an uneven length from the front. “What do you mean?” Vasyl and I both said in unison. I moved in as Lindee stepped away and brushed his hair aside to look at his ears. He had worn gold crucifixes on his earlobes. I know, weird that a vampire would wear any sort of crucifix, but he had been a priest in his former human life. The lobes looked as though someone had taken a laser and burned a quarter inch gash in each one. The earrings were gone, the cuts were healed over but blackened, almost like a weird Goth-style fashion statement. I had a quick vision of when, and how this happened. “When the lightening hit you, the gold melted in your ears, and burned you.” I said automatically. Both Lindee and Vasyl looked up at me giving me startled looks. “Oh, God that must have hurt like a b***h,” Lindee said, grasping her own earring. “When it happened everything hurt,” Vasyl said, his French accent thick. I stepped away, unshed tears filled my eyes while the vision made a few loops in my head. It had been a gut-wrenching scene. Horrific. The lightening had fried his wings into blackened stumps. We were told those would never grow back, or if they did, he might not be able to use them. “It will grow back,” Lindee said. “Won't it?” I jerked my eyes to her. “Yes,” Vasyl said. “In time.” He pulled off the towel, droves of his thick hair slid to the floor then. I'll need a shovel to scoop it all up. “Wait. I wasn't done!” Lindee said, scissors raised. Vasyl rose to his six-two stature. “You are done.” He handed her the towel. “I am taking a shower,” he announced and looked down at me. He had a bad-boy's two-days growth of beard on him. Holy crap, it gave me chills to look at him now. Especially with all his long hair gone. I found myself lost in those violet eyes of his. His face didn't match the hair. How was I going to get used to this new look? It was like looking at a stranger in my house. He broke our stare and moved away. I wasn't sure if he had been inviting me to a shower with him or not, but I'd already showered. Plus I wasn't in that sort of mood at the moment. “Oh, man!” Rick's voice slurried from the living room. Hobart's growly laughter rippled in. “Queenie, you ain't right!” My two other guests were watching a reality show on TV. I half-rolled my eyes, and caught Lindee's dower expression as she took up the broom. I dipped to grab the dust pan. We worked on getting Vasyl's hair all cleaned up in near silence. It filled the kitchen garbage basket. Our quiet mood made me remember the fact that Cho was leaving. I took off the top of my garbage can and dumped the first bunch of clippings in. “God, it's like we've sheered a sheep or something,” Lindee said and then made her trademark laugh. “Right?” “Oh my God, you could fill a mattress with this!” Lindee added. I left that alone as I tied the bag, pulled it out and put on my boots to tote it out the back to the large green garbage bin. It was cold and silent outside. I looked up at the stars, my breath making a thick cloud as I watched the many twinkling lights, thinking to myself how lucky we had all been. I returned through the side door, locking it, and went up the five steps back inside where it was much warmer. The notes from the TV show I Dream of Jeanie sounded from the living room. “Hello?” Rick answered his iPhone from the living room. Lindee and I paused in our motions and waited to hear what was being said. Rick didn't say anything for a long thirty seconds, obviously listening to what was being said to him. “Holy crap! He did it!” Rick's shrill voice said. “Tremayne just got reinstated as magnate for the entire North American Vampire Association!” We cheered. “And he got the Hunting Humans Law thrown out under a technically.” Lindee and I cheered again, jumped up and down and hugged. We surged into the dining room to see the nearly armless leprechaun jumping up and down with joy a couple of times himself. I got chills of excitement once again, only for a different reason all together. “He's back?” I asked, noting the time. It was going on eight PM. Tremayne had left for Dark World a few hours ago. I had thought it would take him much longer to get things straightened out in Dark World, where demons ruled. I was happy to not have been invited to go this time. Not exactly your ideal vacation place. “Is he on the phone right now?” I asked Rick. “Yeah—wait,” Rick said, ear to his phone and a hand up to me. My eyes slid to Hobart. Hobart shrugged. He was the only werewolf in the house, besides me—the half-were-creature. “Okay… yeah. Okay. U-huh.” I waited and then Rick said. “Yeah, she's here.” He held out the phone to me. “Here, toots. Your boss wants to talk to you.” I crossed the room and took it. “He isn't my boss,” I said under my breath. I put the phone to my ear. “Hi,” I said feeling and sounding breathless, and maybe a little worried. Why did he want to talk to me? “Sabrina,” Tremayne's baritone rumbled in my ear, making my toes tingle and my insides go warm and mushy. “The High Council has taken the bounty off your head because you were instrumental in saving my life.” “Oh, good to know your life is so important,” I said, again breathless, and near tears I was so relieved and happy. “How nice of them.” I was trying to be trite. “However, you have to become pregnant from either me or Vasyl.” “Oh. Crap,” I said, and the tears of joy vanished, and I frowned. s**t, just when things looked like they'd go back to normal. “They aren't f*****g around, either,” he said in my ear. “They're serious.” I looked around at my audience. I caught Vasyl's eyes right away, looking at me from the open bathroom door, steam pouring out. I gave him a smile and a thumbs up, since he must have missed the news. Or, he'd heard with his vampire hearing who was on the phone, and was wondering what Tremayne had to say to me. With a razor in his hand, Vasyl shot me a warning glare and shut the door only partially. This was not fair. “Hang on,” I said. My feet moved me to my bedroom, I opened the door and was blasted by cold air. I closed it and stepped away. I needed privacy to say what I was going to say to him. I veered to the den where the fireplace snapped, keeping it warm and toasty in there. I closed the French doors. “What if my child is in the womb of another woman?” I said low, making glances at the closed door. The TV's volume went back up. Good. “What?” Tremayne said, sounding confused. “I said what if my egg was put into another woman's womb? You know. En Vitro? Someone is the surrogate mother.” I didn't expect Tremayne to get it right away, but it took five seconds before he said, “Who was the father?” I bit my lower lip. “This is very secret,” I said in a warning voice. “You're the only other person who I've told—I mean no one knows!” “I see. You mean Vasyl doesn't know?” “Well, yes. He does know. I mean you're the only one of my closest friends. I haven't told Rick or any of the others. I'm trying to protect the mother.” “Aw,” he rumbled. “You consider me a friend.” I made a sound of exasperation. “So, who's the father?” “Bill Gannon.” “Oh for the love of blood,” he said. “Why the f**k did you do it?” “He was dying. I mean a humongous stone fell and cut him in half in that cave-in in Colorado Springs, and it was his last request for me to donate some of my eggs and I did.” He made one of those guy grunts. “Anyway, the Dhampir is conceived. Maybe all you guys who wanted to be the father of my child are disappointed.” Tremayne's bitter laugh made me frown at Rick's iPhone. “I'm not half as disappointed as Vasyl is, I'm sure.” “Thing is,” I went on in my hushed voice, “Vasyl doesn't realize that the child is the Dhampir.” “How do you know it is then?” “Dante told me. He used the prophesy in order to point out the details, and it all fits. The Watchers? You know who they are, right?” “Fallen Angels and their off-spring—ohh.” “Right. Bill Gannon was off-spring of Nephilim. Their kind were having breeding problems. It was his quest to find me—the sibyl—mate with me and continue his kind. In doing so, I don't think he realized the child would become the King of Vampires.” Tremayne grunted again. “So you say you've told no one about this part of the news?” “That's right. If Vasyl figures it out, I don't know what he'll think, but he wouldn't tell anyone. You know how to keep your mouth shut, so I'm telling you.” “Yes. But, then we still have a problem.” “We do?” “If you announce that this child is conceived—or even when it's born—but not in, or from your body, the Powers That Be might send someone to check it out. No matter what, they stipulate that you are pregnant by either me or Vasyl, or they'll put a price on your head again. You have a month to get pregnant.” “Well, crap in fudge!” My desire to remain unburdened by a child was not going as planned. I had done my best to trick Vasyl into thinking I was not on the pill any longer—but was. Then I had to stop using it, but we had not been intimate since. Looked like my little deception was not going well. What the hell! If I told him that the baby that Ophelia, (Bill's sister), carried was the Dhampir—which was foretold in an ancient prophesy that the sibyl (that's me) would have—he would be pissed at me. Again. I don't know how pissed, but I feared that the news would hit him so hard it would take him even longer to forgive me than what he'd learned I'd done for Bill. In fact I was sure he wasn't actually over it. He was merely acting un-pissed in a Frenchman-like way (tight-lipped, looking at me funny, like I might run off with the next vampire to come into my life). “Sabrina?” Tremayne's voice from the iPhone yanked me back to the now. “I'm still here,” I said on a sigh. “Look, Morkel has told me you need to come in and give him an up-date on your files.” “Up-date?” “Yes. He needs to know what new powers you have. It needs to be on file.” “So, you mean I have to come in? To Chicago? To the Towers?” Gak, another one of my not-so favorite places. “That's right.” I made a heavy sigh. “I also wish to speak with Vasyl.” “On the phone?” “No. I'd rather talk to him in person.” “So, you want me to bring him in too?” “Yes.” Cho's voice from the living room filtered to my ears. I peeked through the gap in the sheers over the lead-glass windows of the French door. He had his suit case in hand, jacket over his arm, ready to leave. He was going to hop on a plane and go visit his parents in San Francisco for Christmas. From there they were going to China to see the sights, and maybe find some relatives. He told me he had not seen his parents in two years. I thought that was terrible, and told him he should go and take all the time off he needed. Hobart was giving him a lift to O'Hare Airport. “I'll bring him,” I said to Tremayne, my brain working things out. “Good.” He paused. “We'll be there in an hour or so,” I said. “Oh, and one thing I need to tell you. Almost forgot,” he said. “What?” I hated when someone said that to me. “Talk is a war is pending between the Watchers and the demons in Dark World.” “Nifty. Why are you telling me?” “Because, demons will side with demons. The head demon, for sure.” “Who is the head demon?” “Naamah.” My stomach sank. “Oh, my very favorite demon of them all,” I said, trying to incorporate humor into the dark sound of my voice. “You know how he feels about you.” “Let me guess,” I said. “Hates my guts?” “Oh, much more than that. He wants to kill you in the most painful manner—his words, not mine.” “Fantastic,” I said, faking a happy voice. “Just to change the subject, how are things there in the Towers?” Last night Tremayne and his minions took back the towers. Ilona was dead, thanks to me. And was now a broken-up stone statue, thanks to Cho. I wondered what happened to all her pieces after Cho broke her down using his feet as though he'd wielded a sledge hammer. With a combination of Martial Arts, and a powerful potion made with vampire blood, he'd turned her into gravel for a parking lot, basically. Good riddance. “Things are getting back to normal. But I need to appoint a new magnate,” Tremayne's voice was in my ear, yanking me out of my thoughts. “Oh. Good.” There came a pause and I might have spaced out thinking too much about things, because I didn't even absorb what Tremayne had said to me just now. “Sabrina?” Tremayne said. “What?” “I never got to thank you for what you did.” “Which was?” “Your plasma. It saved me.” “Seems we're always saving each other,” I said, a smile bending my lips. “As a result I've just up-graded you to Level Two.” “Meaning?” “Meaning you're the second most important member of my camarilla.” “Nice. A big fat raise?” I asked hopefully. The whole “you're fired” speech from the now very dead Nicolas Paduraru coming to mind. He had no authority to fire me. Not then, and certainly not now. “We'll talk about this more, later. But you get a special benefits package, including a free penthouse.” “Whatever,” I snorted. Like I needed a penthouse. I had my own house, thank you very much. “I have a few things to do, but someone will let me know when you get here, and I'll meet with you in the usual place.” “Okay,” I said. “In your office, you mean?” I wasn't a big fan of his subterranean office. “Yes. See you in about an hour?” he said. “Yeah. Bye.” I looked on the phone's screen and found the end button and stepped back into the living room. I had to drive to Chicago. To the Towers. Yippee! “Well, Toots, how's everything with the boss?” Rick asked. “Fine and dandy,” I said, my eyes darting over the many faces in my living, and dining room. Vasyl had just stepped out of the steamy bathroom, his wet hair slicked back, shaven, a new blue shirt hung open over his shoulders and a new pair of jeans. He looked like a modern vampire magnate, ready to take on his corner of the world. Why did I think of that? “Well, you ready?” Hobart said to Cho as he got to his booted feet and pulled up on his pants in that universal guy-thing, the heavy three-chains connected to his wallet in the back pocket jangling. “Yes.” Cho looked at me. “Sabrina, I'll miss you.” I strode up to him. I wanted to hug him, but he bowed deeply to me in that honoring way Orientals did. Straight black hair fell over his almond-shaped eyes. That was our relationship. He bowed to me, the sibyl. I waited for him to straighten and I gave him a hug anyway. As usual I did not get any read from this guy. I didn't know why, because in the beginning he was an open book for my Knowing, but he'd shut it down, like he could control what I could Know about him. Human, he had trained in the Martial Arts, a black belt and was a tremendous ally to have on my team. I figured he could block my clairvoyant powers whenever he wanted. Like Lindee could, but she didn't have the complete control this guy had. Cho had not seen his parents in two years and I was making him take a long needed vacation. “I'll miss you too,” I said. “But two weeks will go by fast. You'll call and let me know how things are going?” “Of course.” Lindee stuck her hand out to him and he shook it. “Hey, eat sushi for me while you're there in China.” “I actually hate sushi,” he said, grimacing. “Besides, that's Japanese.” We all chuckled. “Well, have Peking Duck or something, then,” she said. “I hope your Christmas will be great. And Santa will be kind.” He laughed. “Santa is always kind.” I turned to Vasyl. “We're going to Chicago. To the Towers.” I informed. “Tremayne wants to see you, and me.” Vasyl frowned. “Why?” he asked. “Oh! Can I go?” Lindee cried, hand up, jumping up and down wearing my sweatshirt and old jeans. “Pleeeezzzz!” I glanced her way. “Yeah. I think we need to go shopping for you.” I didn't think it would be right to leave her all alone. “I'll give you a vial of holy water and a crucifix.” “Wow. Are these requirements to go there, or something?” she asked. “Yes. Especially if you don't want a vampire to hit on you,” I said. The loud bang, and shaking of the house made us all jump. “What the fairy fart was that?” Rick asked jumping to his feet. “Earthquake?” Hobart asked. The rumbling began to shake things off the walls. Earthquake? “Might be,” I said grabbing for the sturdy beam of the threshold between the living room and dining room. Vasyl stepped over to me. Panic went all around. “We should get out, if it's an earthquake,” Lindee said, her voice shrill. “Here? In Illinois?” I questioned. “We might get itty-bitty ones, but not major—” I broke off my words remembering the day I went to get the mystic ring, and an earthquake shook Mrs. Bench's house. “OH, FAIRY CRAP ON TODESTOOLS!” Rick cried, looking up from his phone. “We've got an invasion!” “Invasion?” I asked. “What do you mean?” “We're under demon attack!”
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