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    After my encounter with Ryan, I have been trying all my best to avoid him like a plague. I tried everything possible to avoid him and lately a lot has been happening both in other towns, packs, vampire’s kingdoms and Townsville wasn’t left out out on it too. There have been reports of werewolves and humans been killed and vampires disappearing by mysterious beings and since then every body has been on an alert, arming themselves with various weapons before leaving their home.      “ Eric are you ready!” Asked Nick      “ yeah I am, coming down now” I told him, we both ate out breakfast in silent today and this was the very first time nick wasn’t teasing me or scolding me,  am I been transformed into the good son he wants me to or is something bothering Nick that he doesn’t want to inform me about     “ pumpkin, I won’t be able to pick you up from school today, I have a lot to do at work today and I don’t want to keep you waiting for long because I don’t know when I will be rounding up with work” Nick said breaking he silent      “  no problem dad, I hope nothing serious is going on at work” I asked him      “ nah, nothing that serious but still serious. We just want to hold a meeting and investigate on the killings that has been happening in Townsville “ he said informing about the bodies they found      “ please be safe dad” I told him      “ and you too pumpkin, make sure you come home when you are done with classes and take the bus  home okay” Nick said as he took the dirty plates to the kitchen “ let’s move pumpkins “ he said as we both head out to the car and off we went      On getting to the gate of my school, he pulled over and then stopped the car, removing his seat belt and then he hugged me “ promised me that you will be safe and come back him when you are done please” he said kissing my forehead       “ you know I am not a kind anymore dad, but to keep your mind at ease I promise to come home as soon as I am done with my classes and I will take the bus home. Bye dad and see you soon, I love you “ I said as I came down from the car as I waved him goodbye till the car was out of my sight. I haven’t seen Nick so worried in his entire life, whatever is going on must be a very serious and important case. When we came to Townsville after the raid on my packs, Nick joined the police force saying he wanted to get stronger so that he can protect me in the future and all through that process Nick has never been worried or scared like his and nothing has ever caused him to wager on his resorts like this and I have to do things according his way during this period so that he would have time to concentrate and not be worried about me, I don’t want to add  my burden to the ones he already has on his shoulders       “ oh Eric, what are you thinking of?” Cassy whispered into my ears which gave me a fright       “ cassy don’t ever sneak up on me like that again, do you want to give me an heart attack” I asked her      “ relax, werewolves can’t die of an heart attack and beside we have been calling your name nonstop but you didn’t even give our calling a listening ears, even when we approached you, you still didn’t kn because you were lost in thoughts. What are you thinking of that got you so occupied that you forgot about your surroundings?” Asked Jake      “ my mind was just wondering off about the killings going on in Townsville and around us too, I was thinking what could be causing the killings and my dad has been stressed out lately and he is worried and over protect of me now. That’s how it what ever the situation was, it was damn f*****g serious” I told them      “ yeah it it’s, my parents has be talking nonstop about this and they have been monitoring he things I do now so I won’t end up in trouble or worst still killed. They don’t allow me leave the house at night again, they forgot I am an adult and not a kid “ cassy said      “ same here “ Jake added “ wait don’t tell me you want to look into this, like investigate on this on your own. It might be too risky , don’t dare and try it” Jake warned me      “ nah I won’t, I can’t do something like that to my dad, I won’t make my dad to be over stressed and worried too, but I am curious to know more”     “ now young man don’t be, if anything is going on you know your dad would definitely tell you about it “ Jake said “ now let’s hurry up to class, we don’t want to be late” Jake said draging Cassy and I to the classroom. We hurried to the classroom so we won’t miss any of the lectures today, checking around for signs of Ryan but saw none, he didn’t come to school today. Part of me was very happy, now stress or anything today but the other part of me was worried, it’s very weird and unlike him to miss school and miss the opportunity to bully, torture or make fun of me. I felt really uncomfortable all through the classes for some reasons I don’t kn about, when school was over it was 6pm and I didn’t want to go home just yet and I still haven’t seen Ryan not that I care though but something was fitting well inside of me that I couldn’t explain and I needed to do something to get my mind off things      “ hey Eric is your dad coming over to pick you up!”  Cassy asked  as we walked towards the gate      “ nah not today. He said he would be very busy today with work, so I will be going home my self” I replied her while looking at the ground to prevent them from noticing that I wasn’t in a good mood      “ fabulous, since we still have some time left to spare, why don’t we go to the karaoke room. It’s been long I last trained my voice. Come on guys please let’s go please, we won’t wasye time there I promise “ she said begging us      “ sure let’s go” we both said as Cassy led the way         When we were done singing at the karaoke room it was 9pm , though it was late but I really jeeeded it because it helped me a lot to clear my mind and the stress and over thinking I was in has been cleared of and I felt relaxed and at peace. I waved them goodbye as I walked towards the direction of the bus stop, on getting there I was told  the bus has left and the next would come around by 9:30pm. It would be too late and by then Nick would have been at home and he would nah me to death for coming home after telling me to head home straight. Nor a chance and I wasn’t in the mood for some nagging, so I decided to to just walk him since it was a 40 minutes walk from my school to my home. Placing my hoodie above my head, I walked home humming the songs we sang today at the karaoke room. Then I heard some footsteps behind me and turning my back to see whonit was but I saw no one and it was a dark lonely road,  I ignored it and thought it was my mind playing some nasty tricks on me and resumed my walking and the same foot steps was been heard behind me and when Ian topped to check around and seeing no one in sight and then I did the only thing my brain could tell me to do was to run and which I did and the footsteps ran after me, I ran as hard as I could but the steps were getting closer to me, kindling with my wolf for advice on what to do     ‘ Carly I think we are in danger ‘ I told him      ‘ do you wanna switch with me?’ He aske me as I kept running and panting      ‘ if it’s a vampire, it won’t go well for us if we want to change, it would end badly for us. Just lend me your strength, a lot of it’      ‘ fine and don’t suck when using it, no matter what happened know that I am here, I will give you all the strength you need to win’ he said assuring me     ‘ guide me through the fight, you know I suck badky with martial arts, and I can’t fight. So please lead me’     ‘ yeah don’t worry, we got this together. Now stop running and face your enemies head on’ he said and which I did    ‘ big mistake Carly, very big mistake. I would have stuck to running ‘ I told him because I was surround by 10 vampires with their eyes purely red in the dark ‘ Carly I think we are done for’ I said through the mind link     ‘ we haven’t taken our sweet revenge yet on the bastard who killed your mum, so hell no we are  dying here. Now shut the f**k up and get ready to fight’ Carly said while scolding me      ‘ fine I heard you, just direct me the right way’ I told Him and Carly nodded, then he told me me to howl out loud letting them know jay I would never surrender to the fight and which I did, my blue eyes turned gold and my claws engloating from my fingers as I launched after them fighting them with all the strengths I have and also from the directions of my wolf Carly, I was able to reap the heads of two vampires while they turned to ashes which blew around us, 2 down 8 more to go I said to my self     ‘ job well done carly’ I said through the mind link     ‘ i***t concentrate, don’t let your guard - -‘ befor ehe could finished his statement a sword was pierced into me at my back and pierce into me coming out from my front, the the sword , I managed to drag the vampire close to me as I clawed at his  throat  reaping it  open turning him into ashes as I staggered back wards collapsing on the cold ground, too weak to even raise my self up      ‘ Eric are you okay’ yelled my wolf at me through the mind link      ‘ I am not okay, I am not healing up. What’s wrong?, why can’t I heal?’ I asked him as I kept bleeding out from my open wounds without healing     ‘ wolf bane, they laced the sword with wolf bane, that’s why we ain’t healing, it’s already in your blood system and it’s slowing down your healing rate. Do you still have any strength in you to stand and I fight’      ‘ I don’t think so Carly, I can’t feel my legs, I can’t even feel my lower part of my my body. Carly am I going to die ‘ I asked him as I coughed out blood from my mouth     ‘ no you are not going to die, I promise you ‘ he said as he reassured me but deep down we both knew we were in a big shit    “ finish him and let’s head out” said one of the vampires, I can die like this, I haven’t been able to take my revenge, I can’t let my life end like this, nonway eill I die like this no, I said to my self as the vampire approached me with his sword and I bet this sword was laced with wolf bane too and if I am stabbed with this it’s a goodbye to me , what if he cuts my head off, no no.  I tried standing up but it seems all my systems were shut down, I couldn’t move my legs , hands and even my head. My dreams were real, this is what it means to be defeated, I am really going to die. I am sorry Nick, I wasn’t a good son to you till the end, I should have listened to you and go him straight , I promised if I survived this I would always obey ur commands. Then stopping in front of me was the vampire, raising his sword to strike me down, then I closed my eyes and say my last prayers   “ please someone save me please” I said to my self  as I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness which took over me     
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