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Walking outside the room, Father states the bet with Leonidas, “Using our gifts, let’s have each one win each other's chosen mates. It is a friendly game. After all, the limits are unconscious. Are you in?” Leonidas' face brightened at the mention of the rules. I had never seen his gift, as Father puts it. Yet it seemed father was more than positive Irvan was to be educated on my behalf when the current King and father of Leonidas laughed warmth-hearted at the expression on his son’s face, “Ina, it seems you have a bet to win there! Go on, make my day, lad!” King Leo shouted as Ina walked towards where I stood. All the joy on Leonidas' face started to change as he understood it wasn’t just him who would be taking this bet but myself. He was about to speak on my behalf, and I just had this clue that he was about to do. I stopped his words with my own, “I believe it would be wise to be cautious. The limit is one’s conscious state. Do you agree, Lady Ina?” I asked honestly, yet Ina took this as a challenge from my words, “I am no lady but a warrior. You will know I have more than just brains, Lady Louise,” she held her head high after her words. At the same time, I blinked in a nervous state. I had yet to learn to control the magnitude of my power. Harming her was to be easy if I planned it correctly. I had to learn quickly how to avoid hurting her frail ego. I was tensed up as I saw things unfolding. Irvan never spoke with words of encouragement. Instead, he had left to pick up his weapons, and breathing was becoming more burdensome. In all this, Leonidas walked towards me, placing his hand gently on my shoulder; he spoke softly to me, “Lady Louise, take deep breaths. You are much more capable of this. I have faith in the goddess that you have a much stronger mind than that of my chosen mate. Ina can be a thick-skulled, improper lady. This will serve her never to doubt your mind and skills. Let’s show them what true blood can do,” my smile grew from his words. His supporting me in this bet from my father showed more union in the clans. Perhaps there was hope for a better generation that I would be helping lead. Leonidas was a kind man. He could be scary with the power he already holds, but he was kind to me, which made me feel much better in these moments. I nodded in agreement, making him smile, and in return, I did the same, but then his cheeks turned a different color into a soft shade of pink. I wonder why. It was the same as when the mother was constantly being kissed on her cheek by her father. I had never asked her why since she was so happy with her father, but it was something I wondered now: was it something good I had done? But I had only smiled back at Leonidas, and I had to accept a union somehow. I’m foolish to think it could have been from being fated to him, but I don’t want Irvan that way, not even as a friend, but for my best, I would do anything. Walking into the field, the cages to our presents were in their order. Father stood between me and Ina while Mother looked from Irvan and Leonidas fearfully, “Both of your marriages have been approved by us all. Now show us we did not mistake you for greatness.” Said King Emilio Itah, who startled Irvan. At that moment, I almost laughed at Irvan for flinching when Isabella spoke out of turn, “Your majesty, I don’t believe the princess should laugh at her chosen mate for being taken off guard. I thought the princess had other feelings for the Marquesses son and young lord.” I slowly looked back at Isabella. Why was she purposely trying to get me in trouble? Mother paid no attention as she honestly replied, “Isabella, you are not needed here. Return to the main house, and tell your mother you are to be educated or suffer my hand in being scolded for purposely manipulating your Young Queen and flirting with the young Marquess,” my eyes widened. She was flirting with Irvan? When? I looked to see a stunned Irvan, when mother spoke again, “make no mistakes Isabella you are a servant, a replaceable servant nonetheless. Isabella didn’t dare to talk about a word. Instead, she bowed and then walked to the main house. Was Isabella interested in Irvan? If so, I could help her feel at ease that there was nothing special about Irvan. If anything, he was an obstacle course I had to perfect and master to never again feel beneath him. The idea of being beneath him had me shivering in annoyance. Ina had giggled at the current circumstances, making my annoyance grow into more than just simple annoyance. A small bang was heard, and the cages were opened. The amount of power the cheetah had was admirable, but sadly, my feelings were more than just a simple annoyance. About to take my stance, Ina tried to take my bow and snap it, and without thinking, I used my dagger to cut her hand away, “what are you doing? The bet was towards our hunting, not our opponent! Retract your attack, or I will not be held accountable for your ignorance,” Ina growled at me when King Leo shouted, “Ina, you forfeit this bet. Get over here now!” Ina wasn’t leaving without a fight, it seemed, and once more, I concentrated on my ability, using her energy, the one at this very moment I waited for any second when she threw her punch. I did the same action and blasted her back straight into King Leo’s chest, pushing backward. He landed on his behind. I covered my face with my hands when I saw what had happened, “nice shot, Lady Louise! That’s the gift of the Arkins! Beautiful child!” I could hold my giggles from the pride in his tone of voice. Turning to see how Leonidas and Irvan were doing, I was surprised that Irvan didn’t even try to move from his current position. Had he forfeited this bet as well? Staying in observation, Irvan had a spear in his hand. He was calculating something when he placed his pose to throw it. Father was too late in knocking him down. Still, I wasn’t too far behind to throw my arrows with my power to fuel the energy to take down the spear, or it would have ended Leonidas, who was trying to hunt the prey successfully. The spear fell halfway to its destination, yet I heard a hard slap delivered to my left where Irvan was with Father. His aura exploded, making everyone who wasn’t of royal blood submit to his aura, including my mother, who whimpered behind me. She had stepped aside from being next to me onto the floor, whimpering in pain. Mother was not of royal blood. The second mother whimpered. Father stopped. “Mother!” I shouted, fearing she was harmed by Father's aura when I heard a growl that made my hair stand. It wasn’t from Father. The growl had come from King Leo. As he walked towards Irvan, I held Mother's head, “Mother?” I asked again, caressing her face, “Mother, please?” Tapping, I tried again as Mother wasn’t breathing, “Mother!” I shouted, losing my control of breathing normally, when a small electrical current left my hand and in my mother's. I took my hands back to my mouth, scared I might have harmed Mother when, in truth, it had made her start breathing again. I moved down to hug Mother, frightened I would have lost her, when King Leo spoke, “Seems the bet is off. Ina might have tried to sabotage Lady Louise’s chances, but you acted on killing my heir!” He accused in honesty. How was Irvan going to get out of this one? I had to think he and Isabella were starting to be of an item. Perhaps I could return in their good graces if I did this small thing. I looked behind me and acted as best as I could. Crying my eyes out, I told King Leo, “My King, please spare him. The mother is hurt, and Irvan only tries to protect me from Ina. He meant only to protect me. Please share him!” I exclaimed in my displeasure. Mother hadn’t opened her eyes yet, and I feared she might have been placed to rest by accident from Father’s anger.
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