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Jessica “I am under no obligation to explain to you further about my reasons as of why would I go to this extent just to see them fall. But as my partner, you shall play as the bridge to make RH and JQ merge under our names. It will only be a temporary connection. So, within six months, I will grant your wishes, while you follow my orders.” The moment that he entered the engagement venue with me along with him, he already marked the drastic changes that will affect not only my next six months, but my entire life. “I still can’t believe that you managed to get your hands on a rare diamond.” We are currently having our dinner altogether. But instead of the usual talks like praising Penelope’s achievements, discussing business, talking about recent released products or saying things that negatively pertains to me, Dad is busy interrogating me about what happened yesterday. “To be honest, you have the potential to run your business. You have the brains to analyze the situation, so being stupid in business management just like what you told me probably resulted with the lack of mentor for you. So, the moment that they will begin talking about what caused the marriage, I expect you to answer as clear as you do while responding to me.” Lowering my fork that have steak on it, I looked straight in dad’s eyes, causing for his brows to slightly furrow because I looked at him in the eye tonight. “Alexander and I share several similarities that allows us to quickly decide whether we are suitable for marriage or not. The factors we consider are based solely on our intuition, and as what he said, the marriage will go on while we still have a liking to each other.” Slamming both her hands to the table, I nearly flinched if not for the tough façade I’ve been forging for a while now. “Aren’t you acting like a gold digger at this rate?” Penelope sarcastically asked with that sweet tone of hers. “If you want to use Leon’s brother to make him jealous, stop it because it won’t work.” “Can I ask you a question?” “You’re already asking.” “Right. Uh, what shall I do if people will question our decisions? Especially my family who knows that no one took a romantic interest to me so they’ll find weak spots to cancel off the marriage. You’ve seen how rude they are despite how hard they’re trying to conceal their true image, right?” “Simple: instead of answering them, ask them back. That way, they won’t have the time to wait for you response, because they’ll be busy thinking of what they should say back. It’s common for businessmen to know how to make people dance in their palms by simple using words, Jessica. You have to grow and learn more about the society you belong to.” Easy for him to say, jeez. But here goes nothing. “Why would I try something I don’t even need to do?” I raised my brow and watched as both mom and Penelope gasped at my boldness. Dad, on the other hand, remained silent as he watched us argue. “Do you think I’m still in love with Leon even when he obviously used me just for money and your fame?” I scoffed. My hands were beginning to tremble as the heaviness of the situation sinks in to me so I put my fork back to my plate and hid both my hands underneath the table, intertwining them together. “All this time, you’ve been faking that ignorant side of yours, is it not?” the three of us looked at dad when he suddenly spoke, followed by a low chuckle as he poured wine on his glass. Once done, he placed the bottle back on the table before looking at me. “Who knew that you have a keen eye on who should you run onto? Such a smart move for a hopeless brat like you.” Calming myself, I smiled. “If there’s a person with a keen eye between Alexander and I, it will be him, not me.” Saying that, his eyes turned sharper. But since I have no other choice but to risk everything to save myself, I remained calm as much as I can. “He was the one who noticed me, not the other way around.” Having nothing to say in return, silence prevailed. “Get out.” Hearing his signature words, I shrugged and stood up, thankful that my legs are still not giving up on me even when I feel like anytime soon, I might pass out because of the tension in this evening. “One more thing.” I roamed my eyes to look at them. Why can’t I stop my mouth from running when it started? Jessica you stupid girl. “If I can, I won’t invite any of you to the wedding.” I smiled triumphantly and spun around before walking out with my heels clicking on the floor. Not even five steps and I heard the breaking of glass which I assume dad threw on the wall, followed by Penelope’s gasp and mom’s sigh. But because of my confidence that stops myself from trembling, I just continued walking without giving a care in the world. After all, I already have my chance of having a card against them. Once I reached my room and locked my door, my smile dropped and the fatigue from the argument before finally sank in. Taking a deep breath, I quickly walked towards my couch and took a sit on the edge with my legs resting on the couch too. “I never thought that being confident is a drag.” “If you have a chance of contacting me after confronting your parents, do it. I need to make sure you’re not stupid.” Calling the number he gave me, I put it on my ear and closed my eyes as I moved my neck from left to right to relieve the pent-up stress. “President Morrison is currently having his dinner and ordered me to rely any of your message for him.” Hearing a new voice, my eyes opened as my brows knit in confusion. “You are…?” “Nine Carlson. The president’s secretary. Good evening, young lady Burberry.” His voice is manly, but I must admit, Alexander’s voice is still manlier. When that thought crossed my mind, my eyes went wide as I quickly shook my head to clear off those thoughts. Once I finally snapped out of it, I cleared my throat before speaking. “I will just call again. Will morning be good for him?” I asked, trying to sound as formal as I can. “He usually wakes up at 6. His schedule tomorrow is still undetermined because he said he don’t want to do any business-related affairs during this week. If you will call him, I advise you to do it at 7.” Nodding at his words, I was about to say something when he spoke again. “If you will have nothing to say, I will end the call now, young-” “Wait!” I shouted, and when I realized that my voice probably rang in his ear, I feel embarrassed. “I’m sorry, did I hurt your ears for shouting?” I worriedly asked. It took several seconds before he responded. “I will lie if I’ll say my ears didn’t hurt, young lady.” For some reason, his serious and formal response made me chuckle. “Just call me Jessica, Nine. And when I told you to wait, I meant that you shouldn’t end the call and just talk to me. Is it okay?” I asked, since it’s been a while since I talked to someone who haven’t spoken any bad words or spelled any ill intentions while facing me. “He entrusted his phone to you so you must be someone trustworthy.” Again, it took him several seconds before finally answering me. “Listening is my specialty, Jessica. President usually takes his time in eating, so do not rush in talking.” When he answered, my eyes lit up. “Did you know? Your boss straight up announced for a marriage and I assume that you know about everything that came after, right?” I excitedly asked, making me hear him hum in agreement. “I honestly didn’t expect that I will experience that of approach. But for some reason, I think the reason why it happened was because of me.” “…You think so?” Despite his hesitancy in answering, I continued. “Well, while I was taking a short walk after making the reporters leave the front, I accidentally bumped into him and caused him to drop his USB. He got mad me so he wanted to ignore me, but when I told him my name, he noticed me.” “…Why do you think he responded?” Why is Nine so slow in answering? Is he sneaking the phone or something? My intuition tells me he’s hiding something, but at the same time, my intuition tells me that it’s okay to let my guard down because he’s worth my trust. Which side should I believe? “Jessica?” Snapping out of my thoughts, I chuckled. “Sorry, I was reading an online book on my phone while it’s on loud speaker.” I lied. “Anyways, I feel like he responded to my name because I am a Burberry. Based on what I analyzed, he needs enough power and influence to be untouchable so when the time comes and he will throw both Leon and his company off his path, he won’t worry about having himself getting in troubles.” “Are you…feeling bad that you’re… you know, being used?” That question has been bugging me since yesterday too. To be honest, I do have a part of me that hates the fact that I’m following him, but at the same time, I enjoying the liberty given the power he quickly gave me when he linked his name to mine. “This deal is a double-edged sword, Nine. No matter what I do, there will always be pros and cons and I am not in the position to just set my sight in only one saide.” I admitted. “That’s why to answer your question, I can barely feel like I’m being used because in all honesty, I am using him for my own benefit too.” I then heard a small thud from the other line. “That’s a good way of thinking, Jessica.” Hearing that baritone voice, I felt like the fatigue was overwhelmed by surprise. “You’re not the only one on the loud speaker.” I suddenly sit up straight before crossing my legs, letting my pants just crumple and stretch on its own as I listened on the phone. “You were listening the whole time?” I asked in a small voice. There’s no stress from the argument from before, the only thing left in my system is the nervousness that I might have offended him in any way. “I heard starting from when he told you to not rush in talking.” Hearing that, I gasped. “I told him to put it on loud speaker to see if you’re worth the gamble I played with you.” I blinked. “You’re not offended?” I asked, then I heard the soft thud of a glass being put down the table. “You’re using me and I am using you. What’s there to be offended about when you and I benefit from this?” “Oh.” He only answered my question but it felt off for me. Was I expecting him to say something else? Shake those thoughts off, Jessica. He and I are nothing but partners. “You seemed to be not interested in talking further so I will allow you to bid farewell to Nine for a while. The two of you appear to be good friends.” He said, breaking the short-lived silence but before I could even tell him to wait, I already heard the sound of footsteps before another voice replace his. “I am genuinely interested in hearing your story so please don’t misinterpret my actions. I was just following president’s orders.” He said, less formal that before. “And uh,” he cleared his throat. “I would like to apologize for probably ruining your trust that I will talk to you freely so I excused myself from the president for a while.” Touched by his sincerity, I smiled. “It’s okay. You just made me trust you more because you’re honest.” I reassured, making me hear him chuckle. “Good. Now you’re comfortable with me, Nine.” “I may not be in the place to tell you this but…entering the world where President Morrison lives is a dangerous risk for you. So, in this new beginning, I wish you luck, Jessica.”  “Hearing a genuine encouragement made me feel happy. Thank you, Nine.” Because starting yesterday, I already put my future at stake the moment that I didn’t stop Alexander from stirring trouble for the both of us.
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