Chapter 8

1522 Words

Oliver Confusion and the beginnings of a sneeze overwhelm me. Why did Camile drag me here to look at this puppy? I already told her I"m allergic. I sigh, wanting nothing more than to go home. No one notices. I flick my gaze from my cousin to Matthew"s face, lit up with excitement. I shoot him a scowl to express my displeasure, but he"s too wrapped up in this nonsense to care. "Me?" I ask, barely keeping the skepticism out of my voice. "Why?" “You have to!” Camile squeals. Matthew"s eyes glint with some kind of inner knowledge I don"t want any part of. But Camile gives me that look that means I can"t say no. “This is Oliver,” Camile says, thrusting the puppy into my arms. “My cousin. From Vermont.” I don"t know why I"m so surprised when Camile says that. I guess I thought she"d say som

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