Chapter 6

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Kyla Jones POV " Over here rookies!" A staff wavered her hands at us and all the first year students followed her. She was explaining about the university, praising and showing us the buildings. I looked around the departments of Arcadia University. There were many branches of engineering in this vast campus. Some girls sniggered looking at me, giggling as they eyed my dress, scanning me from tip to toe. " Is that a girl from that charity session which happens in Arcadia? What do they say.... scholarship entrance exam? " A girl acted like whispering...well it was very clearly audible. "'s clearly seen by her clothes. It looks like straight out of garbage." Another girl narrowed her eyes, looking at me with full disgust. I looked at the students, everyone here were well dressed and lavish looking. Here I was wearing plain t-shirt and black pant, even though it was cheap, not so expensive...but it was a new dad bought for me to wear in the first day of university. " I thought these bunch of village clowns had stopped coming to the Arcadia, major of them are illiterates...they don't even pass the entrance exams." " I guess she's one of the bunch of monkeys in this university. " A girl looked at me with full loathe and I clenched my fist. Why did they hate villagers like us? Didn't we have right to study like them? It didn't really bother me how I looked and what's my status was, all I cared was to study hard and set your life. I ignored them and walked straight ahead. " Kyla!!!!" Remi shouted from behind, Lisa and Remi running and huffing. She was late. " Oh my god! Sorry we are late! Did we miss something????" Remi said between her breaths, trying to calm down. " Not much....all they were talking about the university and the buildings. " I shrugged my shoulder and we started walking together. " Ah I told this girl to select just one dress, just one but she just!! Well why did you go off so early!?" Lisa enquired me. " I wanted to see library so.." I laughed nervously and she sighed shaking her head. " You will never leave a habit of library will you?" Lisa laughed and I smiled cheekily. The timetable was distributed, the classes had started eventually. A week passed, there was no sign of that psychopath. I know it's wrong to call someone that but he was too irritating. When he doesn't give me respect then why should I? Whenever I saw him and his friends. I would make some excuses to Remi and Lisa and run away from there. I admit it I was kind of scared of him. It was Sunday morning, the sun was shining brightly. I and Lisa were relaxing on the couch watching the TV. " Hey Jen, Lisa I want to tell you all something ! " Remi chirped. " Today it's my brother's birthday so he has invited you people too" " I am not coming " I rolled my eyes. " Me too" Lisa added. " Uh come on can't you do this for your own buddy. I barely know someone in the party.I want my besties to be there with me." Remi said showing puppy eyes. " Besides you people haven't attended any parties this week. You should enjoy in life too, please pretty please" Remi rolled over us cuddling me and Lisa. " You are right I don't want to die being a nerd! We should enjoy too" Lisa chirped. " Let's party" both screamed almost bursting my ears. Who was I to say no, they always dominated me specially Lisa. My mother hen. We were getting ready, Lisa wore a red frock which reached up to her above knee level. She was looking gorgeous. I was wearing a black dress which reached to my mid thigh, my back was bare and I wore matching heels. You must be thinking a simple and nerd girl like me should be wearing more clothes but guess what I lost a bet! " Lisa..I am not comfortable in it.." I said tugging the bottom of the dress to cover the down side properly. " It's not my problem. You called it your self " Lisa shrugged. " I didn't know Remi was serious" " But now you lost the bet to her and you know her she will never let you change" Lisa said in sympathy. " Ummmm...." I whined and pushed my long straight hair back to cover my exposed skin by the bare back dress. We put some lipstick and then we heard a knock. " Wow! Where's Kyla!? " Remi asked teasing me and pushing my hair on the back to reveal my skin. I hurriedly bring back my hair on my bare back. Lisa and Remi laughed teasingly and I gave them death glare. " Stop teasing me or else I am not coming with you guys" I said angrily. " Okay okay let's go." " Woah it's huge... Don't you think Lisa.." I said with wide eyes. " Yeah I know.. it is the most expensive hotel over here, my uncle arranged it here " Remi laughed. We entered and my jaw dropped by looking at the interiors and Lisa was surprised too. The place was crowded by many people. The women dressed in beautiful gowns and dresses were moving around with so much grace. I really don't belong here. " Hello Remi!" Xavier came towards us excitedly as if he was waiting for us. " Happy.. birthday.." I shuttered not looking at him directly, handing him the gift. " Thank Kyla..." He smiled at me. Lisa wished him too and Remi was talking something. I didn't pay attention, I was nervous, I am not used to this kind of atmosphere. Everyone were so rich and elegant like it was some business party. "Please enjoy yourself" Xavier gave a wide smile and went off with Remi. Only I and Lisa were left. " Wow look at the food, let's dig in " Lisa sounded excited. We sat on a table eating our food. There were some people chatting, eating, the place was vast, there was a bar counter too. Then a person interrupted us. Emma! Why is she here! Idiot she is Xavier's girlfriend, what do you expect!? " Hi dear, you both look beautiful can I have a seat" " Yeah sure!" I said not being rude. " I am sorry, about all those things. Please forgive us, can we be friends!? We meant no harm, we were just emotional for him that's it. Blake is a kind hearted person, he didn't mean to say it like that" Emma said softly. "It's ok Emma it happens" I gave a genuine smile. " So you people are newbies to Hunsberg University huh!?" Emma said leaning her chin on her hand which was resting on the table. " Yeah we are studying food science, nutrition engineering" Lisa said softly. " Oh.. I am your senior then..." Emma sounded excited. " Really! I thought you were of same age" Lisa was amused. "No no... Maybe it's because of my beauty" Emma flicked her eyelashes. We laughed together. Well she was very beautiful, blonde hair, blue eyes, body so perfect that every man would die for her. " We are two years older than you. Me, Blake, Xavier, Aaron and....Vincent too" Wait what ! Vincent is 2 years older than me! He is my freaking senior! My heart started thumping fast. Emma pat my back. " Well you can ask me any doubt in your studies, I am always ready to help" Emma grinned. We and Lisa smiled at her. She is not bad after all, she was so sweet and down to earth just like Remi. Somebody interrupted Emma and she excused us and she left the place. We finished our food and we were watching people and surroundings. Remi came towards us and pulled us out and dragged us towards the bar counter. " Let's drink" Remi chirped. " No I don't drink" I said panicking. " And so do I" Lisa said hugging me from the side. " You both are really boring creatures" she huffed and went for the drink. Me and Lisa were sitting on stools near the bar when a boy approached us. " May I have a dance with you?" He smiled at Lisa. " No...I don't dance" she said bluntly. " Please it will be a great pleasure to dance with the most beautiful girl in here" Ha! Boys and their lines... I rolled my eyes at his words. On the other hand Lisa was blushing hard. God! She fell for his trick! Damn! She excused me and went with him. Well I can't meddle with her life...she can do whatever she wants to...besides the boy looked cute. I was simply sitting watching Lisa dancing with that cute boy, giggling. I smiled looking at them, at least she is happy here..Then suddenly a husky voice interrupted my pool of thoughts. " Hi, my name is Hayden" he extended his hand for a handshake. He was freaking handsome! He was well built, jet black hair, he was a total wow factor. I averted my eyes quickly I don't want to look like a freaking stupid in front of him. Besides I always feel nervous... whenever I see...handsome boys. " I am your classmate, I guess you know me. I sit behind you" He said in deep and sexy voice. What! He sits behind me!? How come I not notice him!? How can you, when you are playing a nerd role all the time. Shut up you little piece of mind. I shook my head nervously. He frowned but he quickly covered his disappointment into a charming smile which skipped my heart beat. " Can I have a dance with you" he raised his hand waiting for my hand to rest on his. What should I do now! I nodded shyly. I said yes because I was feeling guilty. I didn't recognize my own classmate, besides he so hot! Darn it! You little piece of mind. We moved towards the dance floor. He put his hand on my waist and I shivered as his hands touched there on my bare back. I was feeling odd now. I was moving with him but not looking into his eyes as I was feeling really uncomfortable. Maybe It was a bad decision to say yes to him! I looked at Lisa, she was dancing with... Blake!? What is she doing with him!? Then my eyes went to the bar and saw a pair of green eyes looking at me. I averted my eyes but again looked at him and he was still looking at me. God why is he looking at me like this....why am I feeling nervous...he was still looking at me...I was talking in my mind looking at him and then...he stood up...he was coming towards me. Gosh why is he coming heart is beating already...he was just behind my dance partner and in nervousness I stopped moving. Hayden was looking at me with a confused expression....I looked at Hayden then looked behind him then again looked at him... " I am so—" before I said anything the talk figure came beside us looking directly at me and ignoring Hayden he said... " May I Wilson? " Vincent said extending his hand and I yelped in horror. I was not sure what to do. I looked at Hayden who was staring at both of us... Why does he look nervous! Is he scared of him!? " Umm.... thanks for the beautiful moment, see you soon" He said while placing a kiss on my hand and walked away. I was smiling like a fool looking at his back. Yeah it was the first time a boy kissed me so sweetly on my hand! And I was feeling overwhelmed!! My eyes went to the man who came in front of me.... Shoot! I forgot he was there..... Suddenly his hand caught mine and veered me towards him dashing into his large chest. " How do you know him?" He asked completely pissed. Who? "Who?" " Don't try to play smart with me kid" he said in death chilling tone making me tremble in fear. Wait....he is talking about Hayden! God Jen! Why you become so absent minded in presence of him.? " He classmate..he sits behind me..he asked me for a dance..." Why are you explaining to him? His eyes were glaring at me so dangerously. I don't know why I was explaining to him but by his looks my mind started rambling on its own. A new song started to play at the background. He put his hands on my waist and other hand slid under my hair and were on my..bare back! I shivered again but this time the feeling was different, and I looked at him unconsciously and to my surprise his eyes was set on me, making my heart skip a beat. I placed my hands on his chest....I felt him shivered but I don't know if it was because of my touch or something else... I was now so close to both hands on his chest and his eyes were directly staring at me. Why is he always staring at me!? " From where did you get this dress" He asked but his pressure on my sides increases. " Why do you care.." " From where..." He was now clutching my waist with a force. " Leave me alone Vincent" I said and pushed his grip on me, but unfortunately he increased pressure making me yelp. " You will not wear this dress again" he said gritting his teeth and his hands were doing the same on my waist and my bare back. He gripped too tight that.... My hand was clutching his shirt with same I wasn't doing it purposely but to control my yelp.... " What are you doing Vincent" I whisper yelled at him. He said nothing. I place my hands on his hands and tried to remove his hands from my waist, but it was useless....his grip tightened more than before....ouch! I don't know what to do now, I was forcing him too hard but he was not affected a little. Damn you! I froze when I realised his travelled from my waist to my back while touching my skin smoothly on his way...his hand rested on my back and I bit my lip to control my moan!? I am feel ashamed now! How could I react to his touch! He pressed me more to him and I placed my hands between us to keep some distance.... " Stop pushing me now and did you get it what I said?" He whispered in my ear in a deep voice. Huh!? What did he say!? " You will not wear this dress again" He repeated again in a husky voice. " Why?" My voice hardly came out. What happened to your voice Jen! There was no reply for sometime and I thought my voice didn't reach his ears... " I don't like it..." He said smoothly. " Then don't look at me " I snapped and put both my hands on my mouth. Woah! Kyla great move! You just snap at the maniac and even accusing him of looking at you... He was glaring at me dangerously and his hand again moved the same spot on my waist....and now his fingers were digging in to my skin... "" he said gritting his teeth. " And even you don't worth it. Do you want to know how you are looking in this dress?" Vincent spat the words venomously. " Here the truth, you are looking like a wh*re. A WH*RE. And that is the reason why every male in this party is looking at you. They are waiting for the opportunity to f*** you" He snapped dangerously in my ear. Did I hear it right!? Did he just call me a.... " Excuse me??? " I was angry at him, completely appalled by his behaviour. " Everyone can see how much of a wh*re you are. You call yourself naive and innocent, what type of decent girl wear these kind of dresses, I can't believe, how you act so innocent in the college..." he said venomously. I looked at him shocked by his words. I can see anger in his eyes...the coldness...the hatred towards me? But what is my fault? Am I really looking like a...that is why everyone is looking at me? Tears were trying to spill out of my eyes. No Jen stop it! You are a strong girl stop it! I took a sharp breath and controlled my tears. I wanted to release my anger and hatred towards him but... this is my weakness that I will start crying in front of him....and I don't want to show him that. Why isn't this song ending.....!!! "It's just started. " Did I say it that loud!? I looked up at him. " The first song already ended a few minutes ago" he informed calmly. Now he is calm? How could someone change himself so fast? I narrowed my eyes at him and looked down and put my forehead on his chest... I don't know if it a better idea... but what else could I do? I could feel his hold loosen...his one hand was holding my waist in a gentle manner and other hand on my bare back. Maybe it was the best idea Jen to put your head on his chest.... I put both of my hands softly on his shoulders...and felt him relaxed....he was caressing my bare back with his thumb, making me shiver. He was holding me so possessively, like I would evaporate if he let me go. He was silent.... didn't say a word throughout the song. Just holding my waist and continue caressing my bare back with his thumb, moving to the song. Well I can't push him and leave in between the song can I? It will gather unnecessary attention from others. I don't want that!! The song ended and I pushed him and walked away. I saw him went straight to the bar. I sat on the tool and he was still..... looking at me. You are looking like a.... That is why every male in this party is looking at you. They are waiting for the opportunity to f..... His voice started ringing in my ears. Am I really looking like that!? There were many girls who were wearing lesser clothes, even wore a tiny pieces too. Only my back was exposed, but my hair covered it almost, and my dress wasn't that short. How could he!? How could he hurt me like this? Why..why he hates me this much? Why he said those cruel words to me? Can't a village girl be like all these city girls are here??? A lone tear dropped from my eyes and I brushed it off. Remi came towards me with her drink in her hand. " Why are you alone?" " Simply. I think I should go home. I am not feeling good." I informed her sadly. " What! You can't leave now, the party has just started Kyla" Remi shrieked. " I don't feel right" " Oh come on, don't be sad Kyla, besides you can't go alone this night...hmm let me see if I can arrange something, but not promising you" " hmm" I pouted and we left the washroom.
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