Chapter 3

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Kyla Jones POV "What happened tell me slowly" I said. She gulped water in one go. " The....results are out.. Arcadia Universityyy" she screamed. "What really, when! where!" I jumped. "It's uploaded in the website, we need to check it right NOW" she squealed. Oh my god!!! Results are out!!!! I and mom sat in my bed, with my phone and I was tensing out furiously, my heart drumming super wildly against my chest. " Come on open it now! What are you waiting for!?" Mom said anxiously, poking my shoulder with her finger. She looked more tensed than me. I entered the registration ID number and waited for the web page to load, my hands sweating in tension. I was starstrucked by seeing my result. It showed my marks and down it showed..... Congratulations you are SELECTED. Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! " I am selected. Wowowowowow....." I jumped in excitement.. " Mom!!!! I am selected woohoo....!!" I hugged mom in enthusiasm and mom hugged me back with equal enthusiasm! " Oh my child!!! I knew my daughter's hardwork wouldn't go in vain!! Thank you thank you so much God!! I will tell your dad about your result! He will be so happy!!!" Mom chirped out in excitement and I laughed. I watched mom going down and I heaved a relive sigh falling freely on the bed. "Yeeeeessssssss!!!!!!!! " " Here I come ARCADIA UNIVERSITY....." I shouted out in delirium. Anna, Evelyn and Ron ran towards me in excitement and congratulated me pouncing on me. " Kyla!!!! We are so proud of you sis!! Our senior is going to the Arcadia University!!!! I'm so happy!!!!" Anna squealed out in immense happiness, Evelyn and Ron laughed at her goofiness. " Sis Kyla while you're going for admission we are coming with you to the city. I really want to see the dream university with my own eyes okay?" Evelyn pouted looking at me with puppy eyes and I eye smiled her nodding a yes. " Well.....I have heard there are many handsome boys huh!" Anna said wiggling her eyebrows. I looked at her with a expression like 'are you crazy?' "Oh come on, you are not going to be just a nerd out there are you??? It's the Arcadia University....people enjoy there with studying...and sweetheart, you have worked hard need to enjoy in life too". "Ya right, you and your theory" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. We talked and laughed for hours celebrating my selection. The next day I got invitation letter and I was sitting in a circle with Anna, Evelyn and Ron gaping at the invitation letter. " Go on, open it...what are you waiting for???? " Ron said wavering his hand and I carefully but clumsily opened the envelope. There was a shiny pearly coloured sheet and it smelled nice. Ron, Anna and Evelyn drew closer to me to read the message from the Arcadia university. Dear Miss Kyla Jones, Congratulations on your acceptance to Arcadia university through exam, availing the scholarship. Here at Arcadia university we strive for success and shoot for greatness. We are honoured to welcome you to this opportunity to expand your education and elevate your future by graduating from prestigious Hunsberg university. We hope to see you ready to learn and willing to push yourself to new heights. We will be waiting for your response and expect you to get admitted within a week of arrival of this letter. -Principal of Arcadia university Randolph Anderson Goosebumps rushed through my body, and we looked at each other face with disbelief and excitement. In a second we broke out squealing and jumping together circling around in joy seeing the joining letter! I'm finally going to Arcadia university!!! Yeeeeeeeeesssssssss!!!! *After 2 days..........* I can hear the melodious chirping of birds in the background and can feel the warmth of the...sunlight? I looked at the time, oh s**t!.it's 8 am. Today I have to get admission into Arcadia University. It takes 3 hours to go from here. I hurriedly got up from the bed, took a quick shower and changed into t-shirt and long black jeans. I looked in the mirror. My grip marks have faded.. but the hickey on my neck was still there. It's been a week since the incident happened. I think he forgot me! Where is he right now? Why do you care Kyla....leave's for your own good. Since father had to do his regular job for his daily wages and conditions of mother, I and Harper decided to the city for admission. " Hah! I'm ready!" Anna jumped in front of with a funky looking dress and a sunglasses, a handbag in her hands...making me gape at her in amusement. " What are you wearing? Can't you dress normally?" I knitted my brows scanning her. " Ohw come on, we are going to the city and that also to the Arcadia university... we ought to be fashionable and look like diva." She stretched her freely in the air smirking smugly. " I'm telling you, leave all this and concentrate on studies. Don't forget after 3 years you have to write the same exam as mine for this college." " I know I know, don't turn into old grandma now! It's time already let's go!! I can't wait to see the college with my own eyes!!!" Anna chirped out walking out stylishly. I rolled my eyes at her silliness and started walking behind her with the bag, all necessary things needed for the admission. We traveled through local train to reach the city where Arcadia university was located. *After 3 hours.....* " Here we are.!." Anna squeals as we drive through the stone gate and into the campus. The campus just looks just as great as it did in brochures and online, I'm impressed. It was a posh college. Everything screamed rich. The campus was very vast. I was starstrucked seeing the view. We went to the admission department and filled our fees. I was selected through scholarship so we had to pay one fourth of the fees. We did all the procedure and finally I got admitted to the ARCADIA UNIVERSITY!!! The clerk out there gave us the admit card and said " Your classes will start after one week, thank you!" She gave a wide smile. We thanked her went off the building. We were admiring the college campus. Many students were roaming,...most of them were rich.. well dressed. I was looking at the building out there... I was amazed. Suddenly someone called us from behind " Anna, Kyla???" I was busy staring at the buildings so I didn't look back. " Senior Remi and Lisa! two are here... you got admitted here!?" Anna squealed out excitingly. This time I turned towards the voice coming. Remi and Lisa!!!!! " Oh my God Kyla! You are here that's destiny..!" Remi chirped out. "Destiny!???" Me and Anna said together. "Uh.... I...I mean...see we all selected the same University...yay..haha" she said nervously. " Even you are selected through scholarship?" I said with excitement. " I am not genius like you people... I joined through normal admission you see, my father has a contact here." She said shyly. Remi was filthy rich. Her dad owned many business but she was down to earth. She never showed off. She had been my classmate in highschool. She was very kind and cheerful. We didn't hang out much but she was a good friend of ours. " But I am!!!!" Lisa chirped out hugging me excitedly. Lisa was also a girl from village but was daughter of landlord and I was quite proud she was selected through scholarship. " Thank God! At least I have my friends here... I am not alone.." Remi squealed. " So......where will you stay...?" She said blinking her eyes twice. She is so cute! " In her house of course duh! " Anna rolled her eyes. " Oh come on, it will be tiring if you make... up and down to college and home, it's 3 hrs journey." " But the hostel fees is too expensive" I sighed. " Well you can stay in my place.... I mean my father bought a house for that I can stay people can join me if you want" she said with excitement on her face. " Are you sure...? Like free of cost!" Lisa raised her eyebrows and I smacked her shoulder. " Whaaat.... I was kidding..." Lisa whined touching her shoulders. " Yeah of course.... I own the house rent.. I need a roommate, I don't want to stay with my cousin brother's apartment, he is a maniac" she laughed. Maniac!!! Suddenly it reminded me of someone... " Kyla...oh Kylaaa?" Anna shook me. "Huh? Wha.."I came back to my consciousness. " Please pretty please stay with me, I am all alone, father is forcing me to stay in my cousins apartment, I don't want to..." She whined. " Well I kinda agree.....first Remi is all alone, second you can live free of hostel hostel restrictions...or homes....done she's in " Anna thumbed up. " Me too! " Lisa added chirping happily. "Nope, no, not at all...I don't want to live without my parents. I can't do it" I shook my head. "Here we are not a kindergarten kid sis you are f***ing 18 year old " Anna smacked my shoulders. " I need to think , I need my parents opinion too" I said biting my lip. Anna, Lisa and Remi sighed. " Ok then let's meet my cousin, he studies here too. He is 2 years older than he is our Senior.." she chirped. "You said your brother is a maniac..." Anna said sarcastically. " Oh come on , I just want to introduce you both to him..." She pulled us by interlocking our hands with hers. We walked towards a canteen!? Remi waved at somebody. " Hey cousin.... I am here look whom I brought with me". The person had a very broad shoulders, he didn't turn back and was busy talking. "Hey looser..." She screamed. Finally he turned....woah..... God mouth dropped. He started coming towards us and his glare was piercing through me. I stepped back a little, but Remi dragged me towards him. " Kyla....Anna... meet my cousin Henry." She squealed. Wow he was so charming...and he is tall maybe 6'3. He looked like a Greek God. He wore a black skin tight half sleeved shirt with two collar buttons opened and a black jeans with black belt. You can see the muscle popping out from his half sleeve and his muscular chest from his opened buttons. Girls dreamed of such boys including me too....but I get nervous easily when I be around them.. handsome men. No wonder I was shaking when he was coming towards us plus he was glaring at me continuously as if I was a specimen. He gave me and Anna a weak smile and he put forward his hand for handshake. " Pleasure meeting you Kyla.......Lisa and Anna" he smiled and Anna looked at him with dreamy eyes. I poked her with my elbow and she stumbled coming back to senses letting out a low scowl. " Bro...Kyla and Lisa is going to be my roommates.." Remi jumped happily. "Oh really..." He c****d his eyebrows and glared at me. "No...not me..." I shuttered flushed by his gaze but Anna elbowed me. " Yeah..sis Kyla will be your cousin roommate!" Anna grinned looking at me, ignoring my glare. "Well bro where are others....your girlfriend..?" Remi said with excitement. What!! He has a girlfriend...well why not any girl would die for him.....I peeked at Anna and she looked sad and pouting, I just wanted to laugh at her. "Uh that... she is not well, she isn't here..and others I don't know." He shrugged his shoulder. " Hmm never mind...." Remi said disappointed. "Remi we are getting late..... we'll meet you next week ya.." Anna pat Remi's shoulder. " Why are you going to meet....isn't it just Kyla!" Remi chuckled out and Anna stuck her tongue out. " I'm still coming next time to help sis Kyla to settle down in this big city! Sis Kyla can't do anything without me" Anna laughed out feeling proud of herself and I just rolled my eyes for her childish behaviour. " you soon and you Kyla please convince your parents" she hugged me and so did Lisa. "I'll try, not promising anything.." I sighed. We left the University. Remi dropped me to my home and I waved her a goodbye. It was a tiring day.... It's been 5 days....since admission. Another 2 days to go.... I felt like someone glaring at me.... I turned but I found no one... everybody were busy sipping their coffees, and some people walking around. Easy Kyla...... nothing's going to happen....Aunt Isabella is here only..... *After few hours....* "Let me drop's dark already.." Anna said. " Father told to bring some medicines for my mom, I need some things can go, it will be late for you.." I smiled back at her . " Okay... Did you ask your parents about the house?" Anna asked. "Why should I, it's decided already, I am not coming" I rolled my eyes. " Oh come on big sis, you get a free house, a nice friend like Remi, all settled , what else do you need?" " Okayyyyyy.....I'll try asking them.." I sighed. " Okay then see you tomorrow" Anna hugged me. I waved her goodbye. I bought some medicines and some household stuff from the stationary shop. I started walking down the streets.. I walked quickly feeling my skin prickle with the feeling of being watched, that was one of the reason I didn't like the dark. This certain paranoia that I was being watched was unavoidable. I started walking a bit faster once I heard gravel crunching behind me, my heart rate picking with fear. It reminded me of someone......the maniac.
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