That charming temptation

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Mariam´s POV Without realizing when, I found myself integrated into the chess and math club, something nonexistent at the orphanage; in fact, I had no idea such a thing could exist. Everyone was very nice, with personalities I immediately clicked with. For the first time in my life, in that private reading room of the school library, I felt at home. “Of course we’d love to go and see the pack house,” said Spencer, the most senior member of the club, after Melany mentioned my birthday party. “But we’ve already heard that all the school bullies will be there because your brother invited them.” It was hard to think of Anthony as ‘my brother,’ especially after what had happened just a few minutes ago in class. “Come on, guys, we have to support Mariam on her birthday,” Melany was determined that the whole club should attend my party that afternoon. “She’s one of us now, and if we’re the majority, the bullies won’t dare mess with us.” I scanned the nearly fifteen boys and girls who made up the Green Valley high school nerd club, thinking how fabulous it would be if they all attended my party. Luna Emma and Alpha Damian would be surprised, but the person I most wanted to impress was the odious Anthony, who would be taken aback by the large number of guests I managed to gather. There would be no doubt about my “popularity.” “As club president, I find it appropriate to put this motion to a peer vote,” Spencer said after adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose and giving me a look that he quickly averted when my eyes met his. I thought, at that moment, that he blushed. “Those in favor of attending the new member’s birthday party, please raise your hand.” I held my breath. What they were about to decide would affect my image in front of my new family. Nervously, I began to notice several hesitant hands, unsure whether to raise them. I looked at Melany with some desperation. She didn’t know it, but this vote meant much more to me than she or anyone else could consider. “Are you sure, voters?” Spencer asked, reviewing the few raised hands. Barely five of the fifteen members had. Then I noticed Spencer looked at me again, but this time I didn’t confront his gaze, I just let him look. “I think it’s worth reminding those who are undecided that the pack house has the largest telescope in the state.” Spencer cleared his throat. “Just saying, nothing more.” Surprised, I noticed that the “casual” comment from the club president managed to secure five more votes, which after a few seconds turned into eight. Only two boys were still reluctant to raise their hands. “Are you sure, Mariam, that we’ll be the majority at your party?” one of the hesitant boys asked. I had no way of knowing for sure because if Anthony put his mind to it, he could get the whole school to come to the party, but if he was confident I wouldn’t invite more than one or two friends, he wouldn’t make much effort. “We will be the majority and the bullies won’t bother us, I assure you.” I dared to answer. “Besides, I’m the Alpha couple’s daughter, right? You’ll have my protection, in any case.” It was the first time I dared to make such a statement, but more surprising still, I felt confident enough to actually enforce it and conveyed so much confidence that the two reluctant boys finally raised their hands. “I’d love to take a look at the Orion Nebula through that telescope,” said the hesitant boy, encouraging his last reluctant companion to imitate him. With a smile, knowing that all fifteen kids would attend my party, I looked at Spencer, to whom I owed the change of tides. Spencer blushed and responded to my silent gratitude with a strange grimace that I interpreted as a nervous smile. “He likes you,” said Melany as we were about to enter the second class. “What?” I exclaimed, thinking first of Anthony. “Spencer. He liked you from the moment he saw you.” “Oh…” I said, relieved. “Do you really think so?” “Of course. Otherwise, believe me, he’d never have dared to even go to the party.” “Oh… Are they that afraid of the bullies?” Melany sighed and rolled her eyes. “I just hope your brother is one of the good guys and controls them for you because, yes, the bullies at this school are terrible. Last year, Steven, Patrick, Alex, and Malius, your brother’s new friends, dunked all the chess and math club boys' heads in the toilets and took a picture of them, and that, Mariam, wasn’t the worst of it.” I stopped and swallowed, terrified. Melany looked at me and turned around. “Please talk to your brother and get him to control them, I’ve already seen he’s got them under his thumb, so we can have a more peaceful end of the semester.” My mind flashed to the warning Anthony had given me in science class. If I was his slave and did all his homework, he’d leave me alone. Maybe if I negotiated with him to also do his friends' homework, he’d make sure they didn’t bother my new friends. “I’ll see what I can do, yes,” I responded while clutching my notebook to my chest. As I entered the classroom, I saw Anthony sitting at the back, surrounded by his new friends, the school bullies. I noticed he also looked at me, a fleeting glance that surely reminded him of what had happened in the previous class. I hurried to the seat Melany was saving for me at the front, far from Anthony. I only hoped that this time the Spanish teacher wouldn’t think of pairing up the supposed St.Claire siblings again because I couldn’t take it. There was no group exercise this time, but I felt Anthony’s gaze on the back of my neck like something thick, determined to seep through my skin. I didn’t dare turn to check because he’d look away before I could catch him, but I didn’t need to, because there was something, a sensation I hadn’t experienced before that gave me the idea it was connected to him; it was almost like I could read his thoughts, or at least his intentions. He was watching me and thinking about me, with some shame but also a considerable dose of desire. His silent harassment made it impossible for me to concentrate in class, and just then the teacher looked at my red hair. “Repeat, Miss St.Claire,” he said in excellent Spanish. “Please.” I raised my head, not knowing for the first time in my life what the teacher was asking me. “La niña tiene hambre,” Melany hurried to answer beside me, saving me from the embarrassment of having to admit I wasn’t paying attention. The teacher was satisfied and continued reading whatever he had in his hands. Melany elbowed me, and I blushed. “Thinking about the party?” she whispered. I admitted with a nervous smile. What would my friend have thought if she knew it was actually Anthony who had me off balance? After just a few seconds, my adoptive brother’s gaze pressed on me again. It was becoming too much, not because it bothered me, but quite the opposite. I loved that he did it, so much so that I had to stop it, or I’d never be able to concentrate. “Disculpe, señor. Puedo ir al baño, solo por un momento?” I asked in my best Spanish. Satisfied with my perfect pronunciation and sentence construction, the teacher didn’t hesitate to give me permission. I left the classroom as quickly as I could, not daring to look at Anthony, who followed me with his eyes. The empty hallway gave me the peace I needed. I walked more slowly towards the bathroom, but before reaching it, I felt his presence again, his eyes on my neck. I turned nervously. There he was, standing in the middle of the corridor, looking me in the eye. He approached, and I didn’t dare move. I was paralyzed.
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