Chapter Thirty Four

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"How do I get rid of it?" I whined furiously shaking my hands and arms. We were all huddled in the living room of the cabin the Council had set us up in. How they set up cabins in such a short span of time was beyond me, but I didn't ask. I had more pressing issues to worry about. "I can't meet the council with them clinging to me. I could never pass as human if I did." "Fallon, you couldn't pass as human anymore if you wanted to." Hades said bluntly. I lifted my eyes to his and scowled. "Then what do you suggest? Because I can't tell them what I am, especially not now." Hades sighed and rubbed his chin in thought. No one knew what we were going to do or say anymore. Not now that my abilities have awoken and the shadows clung to me like a second skin or a barrier between me and the outside world.  "You could still pass as a werewolf." Hades suggested. "Your lycan will know what to do when or if the time comes. As for the shadows, it's like I told you. You have to will them away." I looked down at my hands, the shadows danced between my fingers soothingly. What if I didn't want to will them away? What if I wanted them to stay? Wanted them to completely surround me and carry me far away from here?  "Fallon!" Eli's shout brought me out of my thoughts. My head snapped up but was clouded by the shadows that had expanded and grown around me. I hung my head and sighed. Were they going to listen to my every thought? Do even the smallest acts? They seemed obedient, like they wanted to listen, like they were waiting. And I had to admit, having an unknown on my side was thrilling, terrifying and comforting all rolled into one.  "What were you thinking?" Hades asked leaning forward, resting his chin on his knuckles. His eyes sparked with curiosity. "I was thinking that, what if I didn't want to will them away? What if I wanted them to take me far away from here? I don't want to be here, I never did. I only came so I could keep the guys safe. Make sure they didn't get blamed or hurt because of me."  I leaned over and rested my head on Xavier's shoulder. Ever since that night he is the one I've felt closest to. Almost as if he was in my mind. I even swore that I could feel what he was feeling sometimes, but that's not possible. Xavier wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. His warmth and the steady beating of his heart under my hand calming my own erratic heart.  "If the darkness obeys you the way it does, you must be careful Fallon. The slightest thought could set it off. If you even feel threatened it will come to you. Your affinity for the darkness is instinctual, and amazing. Even I have to call upon it for it to come to me. You, all you have to do is think or feel danger and it will come. You can control it in ways even I can't." As if to demonstrate Hades reached his hand out like he wanted to take some of the darkness that surrounded me. But instead of taking it a sharp gasp escaped him and he jerked his hand back. "What happened?" I asked. Gaping at the welt that was beginning to rise on Hades hand. Hades stood, his eyes flashing with emotions I couldn't pinpoint. "It shocked me." He grumbled. "It didn't want me taking it from you."  "But you're the god of the underworld." I argued. "You control them, they have to obey you." Hades looked down at me, his silver grey eyes softening. "Yes, I may be god of the underworld, I may be its king. But." He knelt in front of me and pushed a stray hair out of my face. "You are the princess, and it sees you as such. You are a goddess in your own right. goddess of what is yet to be determined though." He stood and resumed his pacing, his face turning impassive as he lost himself in thought.  "I am not a goddess." I argued stubbornly. But at my words the darkness swelled, sending a small shock through me in argument. I squeaked and shot to my feet, my eyes narrowing on the pulsing darkness that jiggled around me as if laughing at me. So not funny. I thought to it. Its jiggling stopped and it swirled around me, lifting my hair and caressing my face like a gentle breeze. I had to stifle a groan at the motion.  "What was that?" Hades asked stopping in front of me. "It shocked me too. Gently when I said I wasn't a goddess. Then I swore the damned thing laughed at me." I grumbled scowling at the thing. Hades stared at me like a science project he was trying to figure out. His gaze was making me uncomfortable and I wiggled in Xavier's hold, only for him to tighten his grip on me. "What?" I finally shouted, unable to handle it any longer. "Goddess of darkness and shadows." He breathed. "You're the goddess of darkness and shadows."  "What the hell does that even mean?" I bellowed breaking out of Xavier's hold and shooting to my feet. "No one has ever been able to control the darkness and shadows, not completely." Hades said. "But you. You do it without even realizing you're doing it. They come without you even calling them, protect you without you having to command them." Hades rubbed the back of his neck, worry settling into his features.  "What is it?" I asked. Not at all liking that a god seemed worried about what he just told me. "No one should be able to control them like that Fallon. The titans couldn't even control them completely, and when they tried it consumed them. Turned them into monsters. That's why my brothers and I had to rise against them."  Hades paced again, a nervous habit I was associating with him now. He couldn't be right. There had to be another explanation. I was a lycan, the accidental daughter of a god. Nothing special. Surly Hades was getting something wrong, was misunderstanding something, or jumping to conclusions. But as he stopped and looked at me, the worry that clouded his eyes told me otherwise. Hades has been around centuries, longer even. He out of all of us should know. "Fallon, you must try and keep the darkness hid as much as possible. At least until we figure this out. I don't want you using them or practicing with them unless you are in the underworld where you are protected. I understand there will be accidents, but I am asking you try to keep it to a minimum. Now please, send them away so we can talk more."  I nodded stiffly, not even closing my eyes as I just simply asked them leave. And they did, they swept across my skin before dissolving into my pores. That was weird. I smiled, I did it. Without any effort I sent them away. I lifted my eyes to Hades, proud of my accomplishment. He just stared back at me. I refrained from rolling my eyes as I plopped down in between Xavier and Eli.  "No on knows the full extent of what the darkness and shadows are capable of. No one has even been able scratch the surface of their power. Some believe their power is infinite, while some believe it is limited to the person who controls it." Hades ran a hand through his hair causing his no nonsense sleeked back look turn ruffled. Ha, it actually suited him. "With you Fallon we can practice and know the extent, know where the power leads and how far it can go."  My body recoiled. "I'm not an experiment and I'm not a weapon. I spent twenty years being tortured, beaten experimented on." I stood, my shoulder squaring my height seeming to grow. "I refuse to be that again. I will not be a victim, I will not be a chess piece to pushed around. I will not be used to play someone else's game." My lycan stood with me, as did the darkness. I didn't call on it, didn't draw it forward, but I could feel it under my skin.  "of course not." Hades said, his eyes widening with horror. "I only meant we needed to explore your capabilities." I studied him, stared into the depths of his eyes searching for any indication he was lying of being manipulative. But all I saw was sincerity, concern and excitement. Happy with what I found I nodded. He was right about one thing, I needed to know what I could do, because if this darkness, these shadows could protect my guys from the council and the royals, I sure as hell was going to use it. 
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