Chapter Thirty Two

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I know he didn't say what I thought he did. He said Hades. Like the Hades. The god of the dead, king of the underworld, courier of souls. One of the three original gods that took down the titans. I felt the sudden urge to burst into laughter at his claim and the absurdity of it. I would sit here and claim the gods weren't real, that they were legends. But the appearance of the Cerberus on their own told me otherwise.  "This can't be happening." I groaned dropping my head into my hands. Hades. Laughter bubbled from my lips despite my attempts to keep it down. I was going crazy. Ya, that's it. That made a hell of a lot more sense than sitting at a table, conjured out of thin air with the god of the underworld.  "I assure you young lycan, it is indeed happening." Hades said dryly. My eyes snapped to his, my laughter dying. "Excuse me if I fail to absorb the fact that I am sitting at a table with a god." I retorted. "until just a few minuted ago I was under the impression all of you were myths, legends. Nothing has made me see or believe otherwise." Hades eyes sparked with anger at my defiant tone, but amusement shone there too.  Eli on the other hand firmly grasped my thigh. A clear warning to watch my mouth. I didn't look over to him, not wanting to let him fray my determination with his stormy gold eyes. "My brothers would be fascinated by you." Hades said absentmindedly. "You have fire in you. But that is to be expected considering your heritage."  His statement both thrilled me and scared me. Meeting the gods was something none have gotten the chance to do. But that was for good reason. The gods hid themselves away for a reason, kept themselves locked away from the world and their would be worshipers. And the only reason I could think as to why was they were running from something. "You're going to have to elaborate that statement." I said trying to keep my tone light. "And explain the lycan's like you promised."  The spark I was beginning to realize was his changing of emotion sparked yet again. Showing curiosity and excitement. "Why don't we start with the lycan race." He suggested. I waved my hand, indicating he had the floor. He just smirked. "The lycan race dates back to the reign of the titans. As you know there were twelve titans bore by the primordial Gaea. When Cronus overthrew his father, there were unforeseen side effects. Uranus was a primordial, one of two in existence. In order to keep balance his essence created other races. While Cronus believed he destroyed his father, he was wrong. His essence created the lycans." He said motioning to me.  "It created the vampires, the demons, the fae and the shifters. Though the werewolf shifters are a diluted version of the lycan. The two races who gained the most power, absorbed more essence than most is the lycans and vampires. Which is why both races are superior to any other. And also why both have extra abilities, powers." He said matter-of-factly.  I was frozen to my seat, jaw slack. "What...What does that make me?" I asked. Hades eyes brightened at my question. "Your kind are not a god but are more than a demi god. You are somewhere in between. None of us really know what to classify you as to be honest. But you, specifically are more." He said looking at me with knowing eyes. I got the feeling I was missing a crucial piece of information. "What am I missing?"  "Do you know who your parents are? Your true lineage?" He questioned leaning closer to me. "I barely remember them." I said with a shrug. "And I could honestly care less. They tried to kill me when I shifted. My lycan protected me and killed them instead. That's how I got captured."  His eyes filled with so much hatred, so much rage I gasped, leaning as far back in my chair as I could. It was the first time he actually managed to strike fear through me. "They did what?" He roared slamming his hands on the table so hard as he stood a crack formed down the center. I furrowed my brow in confusion as I looked up to him. His eyes were completely red, not just hazed over. A darkness, shadow like stirred around him like smoke, billowing at his feet.  Why was he acting like this? And better yet, why did he care? I studied him as he began to pace back and forth. His hands clasped firmly behind his back, muttering under his breath about torture and revenge. This god was hiding something, something I was beginning to think was not only important but a vital piece of who I am and who I will or may become.  Without thinking I stood and made my way over to the god and reached to pull him to a stop. The guys shouted at me to stop, catching the god attention right as my hand landed on the crook of his elbow. My grasp was tight as I grounded him, stopping him from his movements with my strength and narrowed eyes.  " didn't die." Eli said from behind me. I dropped my hand and turned to Eli. "What?" I demanded. "Why would I die?" What the hell was going on? I was on the verge of exploding, my anger, frustration, exhaustion, everything beginning to rise and turn into something darker. Everyone must have noticed my mood turning volatile. Eli backed away his hands raised in surrender, Hades even took a step away to give me space.  "Someone better start talking and explaining before I lose what's left of my sanity." I fumed. Eli glanced at the god then back to me. "Fallon. Hades is the god of the underworld, the ultimate and the father reaper. Anyone who touches him without his explicit consent usually dies. But you didn't."  I shook my head in denial as I turned to Hades, but he nodded in agreement. "Then why didn't I die? Surely I'm not special because I am a lycan." I said. My mood continued to climb as I waited for more explanations, I needed more information. Hades however just gave me a grim but proud look. "Hades?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him. "What do you know?"  This time his brows furrowed. I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips, his evasiveness grating my nerves even more. "I can see you know something." I seethed. "The eyes don't lie. Spill." An amused chuckle spilled from him. "So much like your mother." He whispered. It was more to himself than me, but I heard him.  My arms tensed, my hands balling into fists. "You knew my mother? You knew about me? And you did nothing to help? Nothing to intervene and save me twenty years of abuse and torture?"  A humorless but malice filled chuckle escaped me. "Of course not, why would a god care about a worthless lycan?" I shook my head both confused and angry as to why I felt drawn to him, why my lycan and whatever else felt like they knew him.  Hades growled, as he stalked up to me only stopping when he was a few inches away. "I didn't know. Those people, those wolves were entrusted with you. They of course knew no difference. They thought you were theirs, spelled not to know any better. You were taken to them as an infant to keep you safe." Hades cut himself off, a snarl fell from his lips.  When he looked back down at me all my anger dissipated at the anguish I saw in his eyes. His cocky, snarky, better than thou attitude was gone. What was left I never wanted to see again. Not on him, not on anybody. There was so much pain there, so much sorrow and regret. I couldn't begin to understand what could make a god feel the amount of pain I was seeing.  "Do you know what the name Fallon means? It was the only thing that was demanded be kept when you were left with the wolves." Hades voice had dropped, his tone now matching what I was seeing etched in his eyes. I shook my head unable to speak. "It means descended from a ruler, or superiority. Both of which are true for you." A heavy sigh escaped Hades as he swiped his hand through the air to conjure a full length body mirror. I was confused but humored him as he turned us both to look into it. "Tell me what you see." He said. He sounded almost defeated. But I did as he requested.  I studied both our reflections, finding so many features in common it was unsettling. We both had the raven black hair, with the blue hue. We both had pale skin and high sharp cheekbones. Our eyes were even shaped the same. The only differences I saw was the shape of our face and our eyes. He had striking silver grey eyes, while I had vibrant emerald green eyes.  "Wha..what? How?" I stammered turning to Hades. Hades swiped the mirror away and turned to me. "You were never meant to know, never meant to come here. The other gods are going to be furious about this." I became restless as the god ranted. My nerves jittery and my heart erratic. "Please just tell me before I crawl out of my skin." I snapped the restlessly. "You are the daughter of the lycan queen and myself." He sighed.  And my muscles gave out. If it weren't for Hades standing right there I would have hit the ground. Concern was etched on his face as he carried me back to the table and put me in a chair. At this point I wasn't even sure if I was breathing, wasn't sure if my heart was beating. The only thing I could think about, concentrate on was what he just told me. The giant bombshell he just dropped on my head and imploded my already fragile existence with.  The last lycan queen and Hades, my parents. Mine. How was that even possible? How could I be the daughter of a god and a lycan with the essence of a primordial? What the hell does that even make me? A freak? A threat? An abomination? "What am I?" I whispered keeping my eyes down cast.  "I don't know." Hades admitted. "No god has ever dare reproduce with one of the primordial creations. But your mother, she was the most beautiful and pure woman I had ever met. She didn't know who I was, and I wanted to keep it that way. I thought that because of the circumstances offspring would be impossible. But I was sorely mistaken. When she got pregnant, she knew something was different, that you were different. When she told me her concerns I had no choice but to tell her.  She was frightened for you, for us. She hid the best she could from the gods. She wanted nothing more than to protect you. She was sure you were meant for great things, that you were a miracle conception." Hades smiled at whatever memory the conversation brought. "When you were born it sent a kind of shock wave to the gods. A signal that usually only happens when another god is born, but yours was more powerful than most. So in an effort to save you, your mother handed you over to me and gave herself to the gods telling them you died at birth. They executed her and I took you and hid you with the wolves."  His story was sweet. He loved my mother, even seemed to love me at one point. I even saw the pain in his eyes when he spoke of my mothers death at his siblings hands. It honestly sent a wave of anger through me that they would take such a savage route just because Hades fell in love with a lycan. Surely he was not the only god to do so. But maybe he was the only one of the original three.  "So I am basically an unknown. A threat, an abomination, something that should not exist but somehow do? great. If being the only lycan left we had to go and add half god to the list of weird." I dropped my head between my knees. I give up. Nothing was ever going to be easy or normal for me. If I ever had any hope for that it was gone now.  "I hate to interrupt but we really need to get to the gathering grounds before the council sends a search party." Eli said from beside me. I looked over to him and his eyes widened a fraction. I knew what he was seeing. Nothing. There was no emotion left for me to show anymore. I was drained and I just didn't care right now.  But it was Xavier who came up to me picked me up placed me on his lap. I was stunned for a split second before the numb came back. "I can't feel you anymore Fallon." He whispered. I didn't know what he meant, so I didn't answer. "I can get you to where you need to go." Hades said. The concern in his voice was evident but I couldn't bring myself to look his way. I curled into Xavier and closed my eyes, the weight of the world felt like it was weighing in on me, the pressure becoming too much. It felt like I was being crushed, my body just shy of being a pancake before I felt weightless. The last thing I remember before the dark took me was the guys yelling my name. 
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