Chapter 5

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Eliana's POV Last few days have been amazing. After Dan apologized he spends as much time with me as possible and he's been spoiling me with gifts. He said that he wants to make for the last 3 years when he ignored me on my birthdays, Christmas and all the festivals. He is really trying very hard to make up for everything. I don't see him bringing any girls home or flirt with anyone. He said that he is upset that he didn't wait for his mate and now the only one he wants is her. I'm happy to hear that my brother is mending his ways and Elsa says that he is going to be a wonderful mate. I couldn’t agree more and I'm positive that he will love his mate and protect her with everything. I also offered him to come to my pack so he can find his mate and promised him that I'll help him to find her. He asked if Gavin and Sierra can tag along because they have to find their mates as well. I have no issues with Sierra but I am not sure about the future Alpha because of his reputation and I don't want people from my pack to get affected. I heard that there have been instances in this pack where wolves rejected their true mates because of the involvement of the future Alpha. It's sad that people lost their only chance at love because of him and now that he is searching for his own mate I feel sorry for the poor girl. I hope at least after finding his mate he would not hurt her. But, I can't deny Dan's request and I can't tell him what I think of his friend although he's aware of all this but, he is his best friend so I need to keep quiet. Dan also asked me to help him with the arrangements for the surprise they are planning for their parents. Apparently, my dad, uncle David and Alpha Blake were childhood best friends and they did everything together. All three of them decided to get married to their mates together at the same alter. So, their anniversaries are together. I miss my parents and I wish would have been with us to celebrate their anniversary with us, but I know at least they are together and won't be alone. Dan took my suggestion and even Gavin and Sierra seem to like it. I helped them from home because I can't go to packhouse I've never been there and if I went there were possibilities that aunt Becca would be suspicious. So, I have shown them samples and explained how the decorations should be and helped Sierra buy stuff required. I have also brought beautiful wedding dresses and suits for the couple. I just hope they like it. I was wondering what I would gift them then I got an interesting idea and brought their gifts. I'm sure they'll love them. Everything is done we are all ready and waiting for tomorrow. All of us are going to behave as if we don't remember their anniversaries and surprise them in the evening. I'm sure renewing of their wedding vows is going to bring a lot of good memories for them and I'm sure everything is going to be perfect. 'Dan everything's done right?' I mind linked Dan. Since our packs have been allies for a long time we are bounded by blood so we can mind link each other 'Yes, little one don't worry. Everything is as you wanted it to be' he replied 'I'm sorry Dan, I know this was your idea I was only helping but I can't help but be excited. I just can't wait to see their faces when they get their surprise' I replied excitedly and he chuckled 'I know right? Don't worry about it. Now you need to sleep so you can use your ninja skills to sneak in mom and dad's room to get them to packhouse' He replied 'Very funny Dan, do you think Si and I are ninjas? You just wait till you find your mate' I said 'I don't know what I'll do after you go back. I'm going to miss you little one' He said sadly 'Don't worry Dan we can meet at our spot whenever you want and you just have to cross a border to meet me. I'm not far you know and we can still mind link, call or text each other' I comforted him 'You are right. Are you excited about going back' He asked 'I am excited indeed to meet my pack after so long. Especially to meet my best friends but, I'll still miss you a lot' I replied 'I know don't worry I'll come over and stay with you for a few days if you want' he said making my face lit up 'I can't ask for a better birthday gift thank you Dan' I replied happily 'Ok, then it's decided I will accompany you to your pack and stay with you for a few days. Now sleep you have an important task to do tomorrow' he said 'Ok... Good night Dan' I replied 'Good night Lia' he replied and we cut off the link I went to bed happily and slept on my comfy bed waiting to surprise my uncle and aunt tomorrow Next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I made my way to my closet and took out my training gear. Although I'm not training today and tomorrow but I'm going for my morning run. I can't miss it for anything. I removed my comfy pyjamas and wore my training gear and made my way out for my run. I run towards the forest in my human form but I feel Elsa pacing around in my head. She seems to become more and more restless as my 18th birthday is coming near. I tried asking her but she just says she doesn't know and she is only feeling weird which she doesn't know what it is about. I ran around the forest for a good 30 mins and thought maybe letting her out is going to help her relax. I quickly went behind a tree stripped out of my clothes and shifted into my wolf catching my clothes in my mouth and ran in the forest letting Elsa take over. She aimlessly ran in the forest and then she went towards the lake near the border that connects both the packs. She happily drank water from the lake and swam around letting herself have a bath in the water. After some time she came out shook her fur to remove the excess water and gave me back control. I went behind a tree shifting into my human form and quickly wore my clothes. I feel better and I can feel Elsa a little relaxed as well. I started making my way towards our house when Elsa suddenly became alert and I smelt the smell of burning timber. I can identify the stench smell anywhere. There are rogues near the border. I mind linked the border patrol and asked Dan to inform the Alpha. 'Dan there are rogues near the southern border. I have mind linked the border patrol you inform the Alpha' I mind linked him 'Lia where are you?' he replied 'I was out for a run when I smelled the rogues. I'm going to help the border patrol' I answered 'Lia come back to the house right now. You're going nowhere pack patrol can handle and they have already called for backup in the pack link' Dan said 'Dan I'm an Alpha and I'm not going to come back and relax when pack warriors are fighting with their lives. Don't worry I'll be fine it should be rogues you should be worried about' I said and quickly cut the link because I know that I can't waste time here I made my way to the southern border and see about 10 rogues fighting the border patrol. I saw a rogue trying to attack a warrior who is fighting with another rogue. I quickly made my way towards them and stopped the rogue from attacking, the rogue snarled at me aiming for my neck. I quickly dodged his attack and held his neck and applied pressure making his neck snap. I dropped his dead body on the ground and looked around I can see bodies of rogues on the floor and 4 more fighting One of the pack warriors was badly injured and the rogue was going for his neck to kill him. I quickly kicked the rogue in the gut extending my claws and ripping his neck. I turned around and saw the warriors have held the remaining 3 rogues captive and are waiting for instructions. "Take the injured to the hospital for help immediately, take them to the dungeons and chain them in silver and wait for the Alpha's orders. Take all the rogue bodies outside the packs land and burn them. Secure the border and alert the other patrols and prepare a complete report and present it to the Alpha. Do you understand?" I said in my Alpha tone and rogues looked at me wide-eyed "Yes Alpha" they replied and started working on the tasks assigned to them I turned to see Dan running towards me looking angry and mad. I just rolled my eyes at him "Don't you roll your eyes at me little one" he said looking mad "Oh come on now big brother don't be mad at me see I'm absolutely fine. But, I really need a shower after my workout" I said winking at him, he just shook his head and sighed "Ok... You go ahead I will take care of rest here" he said "There is nothing to take care of anything see" I replied motioning around us and when he saw that everyone is already doing their jobs he looked at me "You are really something Lia. Now don't look at me making a cute face I'm still angry you could have waited for me. I would have loved to have some fun" he pouted and I laughed "You can still have your fun with the Alpha's permission we have captured 3 rogues for you. They are currently in the dungeons wrapped up in silver cuffs" I said with a smirk "Ohh... Then leave that to me" he replied with a smirk matching mine "Alright little one you had enough fun for one day now let's get you home so you can do your job" he said and I nodded smiling We made our way to the house joking and laughing when we reached I saw uncle David at the table smiling at aunt Becca while she is making breakfast. Aww they are so cute "Good morning aunt Becca, uncle David" I greeted them "Good morning mom, dad" Dan greeted as well "Good morning my babies" aunt Becca replied "Good morning Dan, Ana" uncle David replied as well "Done with your morning workout" uncle David asked us. If he only knew, he'll get to know anyways in some time but aunt Becca doesn't need to know "Yes, uncle and we had fun. We'll tell you the details later" I replied signing towards aunt Becca and he nodded understandingly "I'll see you in some time I'm off to have a shower" I said and left for my room After my shower, we had breakfast fast together and everyone left for their work. I have already informed Dan to keep the Alpha's and uncle David's clothes in their office with instructions to not call their partners or return home. I sneaked into aunt Becca's room and kept her dress with the note with similar instructions they would think that their partners have sent gifts for them but we know the truth. Our plan worked and now it's time for the surprise. We have arranged everything in the training ground and back yard because they are connected to each other. Everyone's dressed and we are now waiting for them to arrive I'm wearing a beautiful light blue princess gown with full sleeves with a light pink lipstick and mascara and eyeliner. Dan is looking handsome like always in his black suit. Si is also wearing a princess gown, but it's sleeveless and baby pink in colour. I don't see her brother though. He must be busy flirting with someone. Right at 6 pm, they all enter the backyard together. They must already know that it's not them who planned the surprise because they are trying to see us. I sign for Dan to switch on the light and all of us shout out together "Surprise"
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