Chapter 8

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Eliana's POV My birthday so far has been very eventful. With me coming back to my pack, Gavin being jealous and possessive announcing we are mates. Dan, Bria, Si and Steve finding their mates. Everything happened so fast and I'm barely able to wrap my head around it We all made it to the packhouse and sat in the living room with the girls dragging me with them. Once our families were seated Dan and Steve dragged their mates with them sitting down together with their arms around the girls who just giggled. I could feel Gavin behind me and I just stood there stupidly not knowing what to do. I felt sparks erupting when Gavin wrapped his arms around me tightly keeping me in place. He moved and brought us to a small couch and sat down with me securing his arms around my waist I looked up at him and saw him looking at me with a smile on his face and lust clearly visible in his eyes that have now darkened. I looked away from his eyes. Even after all that happened, I could have still forgotten everything but if only he had love for me in his eyes along with lust. If only he could love and want me for him, not because of the effect of the mate bond or not because he needs a mate to take over as Alpha but because he loves me. I was brought out of my train of thoughts when uncle Blake cleared his throat getting everyone's attention "I'm happy to see all of you have found your mates and seeing you all together warms my heart. We have been waiting for this moment to arrive for far too long" he said smiling warmly at us and we smiled back at him "Ana, dear why didn't you guys tell us that you are mates yesterday?" Aunt Bella asked making my heart beat fast against my ribs. I didn't want to tell them about how I found my mate and I felt Gavin tensed on his mom's question "Err... Umm... Actually, Aunt Bella, I wasn't sure about it yesterday when we met at the table. I felt my wolf and she was being restless for the last few days and she said she wasn't sure what it was. To be honest, I didn't think about it a lot and I thought I was just tired and some sleep would make me relax so I left early yesterday to rest. Now that I think about it I realized what was it about, it wasn't until this morning that I knew Gavin is my mate" I answered giving them half of the truth and lying about the rest. I felt bad for not telling them about it but this was clearly a matter between me and my mate and I don’t want anyone to intervene or force him to do things or the worst look at me with pity. I felt Gavin visibly relaxed with my answer and gulped when he saw his mother looking at him for his answer "I knew she was my mate when I saw her yesterday for the first time and I wanted to talk to her before I tell you about her. Because when she didn't react when she saw me I was confused and when she left to go home I thought I would speak to her today and we tell all of you together. I mean we did tell you together, Errr... More like I announced getting jealous and possessive. I'm sorry Steven I didn't know who you were and I reacted on instinct" He replied looking at Steve smiling softly and making me roll my eyes. Jealous? Possessive? Is he for real? "Don't worry about it man. I can understand how you felt and I would have reacted the same way" Steven replied laughing as if he has said the funniest joke on earth. I looked at him squinting my eyes and glaring at him. Traitor! He understands him and not me, I am his cousin sister and best friend for God's sake. He just smirked at me making me scoff "Ok kids enough of you two giving death glares to each other. I think we have more important things to discuss" he said looking at all of us which made all of us look at him to know the important things he wanted to talk about with curiosity filled eyes and he just chuckled with an amused expression "Since, you found your mate I don't find a reason to delay anything. You should mark each other and start the mating process by claiming the other as your mate" he said smiling. Wait! What? I don't even know how I feel about finding my mate who doesn't want me and is ready to claim me only to get his position as Alpha of his pack "Umm... I think we can take things slow, what I mean is that we just found each other. We can get to know each other before we mate" I voice my thought and I felt the boys tense up and even Bria and Si seem like they don't like the idea. Very well so now I'm all on own now and I'm really f****d I don't have any other excuse to come up with "Ana baby I understand how you feel believe me even we felt nervous when we found our mates. So we decided we would mark and claim our mates but we decided to wait before we mate and complete the mating process. You need to mark your mate there's no reason to delay the marking" Aunt Becca said if only she really knew how I feel right now. But, I think I can go with this option it sounds better and would not raise any suspicions. I felt Gavin’s hold tighten around me and he seems to be restless waiting for me to answer I thought about it what do I have to lose? Nothing at all because I absolutely have no hope so I nodded to my head saying yes to aunt Becca's suggestion "Great, so it's up to you if you want to mark each other in front of everyone in today's Alpha Ceremony or you want to do it before the ceremony" I would choose the latter because we don't want people to see the tension between us now do we? "Ana you are an Alpha and Luna together. So I think a peace treaty would be good and also help you lead the packs better when there's peace" Alpha Blake suggested "Uncle Blake I wanted to offer the peace treaty between packs after my Alpha ceremony even before I knew Gavin was my mate. But, I have a better idea and I think it is better than a peace treaty" I smiled at him warmly and suggested "And what that idea would be?" Gavin and Dan asked together and all of us chuckled at that. They really behave like twins sometimes, they speak the same thing together or even complete sentences for each other. But, I'm happy that there are things in which Dan is the polar opposite of Gavin "My suggestion is we merge both the packs but in a different way. We know there's only one border between both the packs. I suggest we remove the border so our packs can freely enter the other pack's land and we build a bigger packhouse, a guest house and some houses in the middle of both the packs. We all know that we have to accommodate more members as the smaller packs that were attacked by the rogues' needed refuge and our packs have been asked to add them in our packs. This way everyone in both packs will have a place for themselves and knowing that they have warriors protecting them from not one but both the packs will put them at ease. And they will also be happy because they have access to the other pack lands meaning that the chances of finding their mates are more because combining both the packs we exceed more than 5000 pack members making us stronger amongst the others. I suggest the higher ranks stay in the new packhouse so we can have access to both packs at once in case of an emergency. However, even after we merge our packs we have our own pack territories. I would hold my position as the Alpha of Blue Moon and Gavin takes over Red Moon. I assure you that my Alpha duties won't interfere with my responsibilities as a Luna. My father held a lot of pride in our pack and me. He always taught and trained me to become an Alpha after him. I had promised him that I will never give up on my responsibilities as an Alpha to our pack and will always protect them even if it means sacrificing my life for them to live peacefully and I would do anything to protect both of my packs. So what do you think?" I explained everything and asked waiting for their answers nervously "Ana, baby I just want to say that I'm proud of you and I'm sure your father would have been very proud and happy to see you take responsibilities of the packs and keep the safety and happiness of your pack members before you" Uncle John replied with a proud smile on his face "We are with you Ana. What you suggested is awesome" Bria said smiling and Dan, Steve and Si nodded their heads with a yes. I looked up to see my mate looking at me intently. I can't read his expressions but he had a small smile playing at his lips that made my heart filled with warmth and I smiled at him. For the first time since we met, I had smiled at him whole-heartedly "As much as I would have thought that I would hate saying this but, you are really amazing. You will be an amazing Alpha and beautiful Luna" he said whispering in my ears and a chill run down my spine and I muttered thanks to him "Your suggestion is wonderful and I think we start working on it immediately" we all agreed on this and returned to our rooms to rest and I think I have important things to talk with Gavin. This is going to be a long day
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