Chapter 42-Illusion

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(Amira) I darted my eyes over to Kamaris, the anger pulsing off of him not going unnoticed as he and Cinead seemed to be having some type of staring contest.. I was just trying to get over the fact that Kamaris's hand was just between my legs while having a casual conversation with someone else. "Well? What do you think Amira?" Cinead asked me again..was he trying to get me into trouble or something? I swallowed hard before looking towards Alden as he seemed to have a freaking smile on his lips..obviously finding this situation humorous. "Cinead..I'm warning you." Kamaris gritted through his teeth and I quickly reached forward, grabbing the glass sitting in front of me before taking a gulp. I thought it might be wine at first, but after drinking it I was confused. Why was it so sweet? I didn't even taste a hint of alcohol..maybe it was really some type of juice. Before I could finish the last drop, Kamaris turned towards me and yanked the glass from my hands. "Amira, why the hell did you do that?" He asked me, sounding bewildered as I blinked at him innocently. "Was..was that your drink?" I sputtered, feeling confused. "Oh, this shall be fun." Cinead chuckled deeply before taking a drink of his now full glass. "No..that is spelled wine...and you just drank a whole f*****g glass." Kamaris explained, making me swallow hard as he set the almost empty glass down before placing his hand on my thigh, making me jump. "Perhaps we should call it a night." Kamaris gritted through his teeth, looking over at Cinead as he just smiled widely in return. "Or..perhaps you can just do that little flicky thing with your wrist to sweet little Soraya here and we can really have some fun." Cinead stated as I furrowed my brows together. Kamaris just glared at Cinead as his shadows began to seep off of him..I could feel the grip of his hand tightening as my body began to grow warmer. Wow, was it hot in here or is it just me? I began to breathe heavier as Kamaris dragged those black eyes towards me. I felt as if the world around me began to change..the lights growing a little brighter as the aromas of food cooking and this sweet wine tickled my senses. Then I dragged my gaze up and down Kamaris's God-like body..his moon-white skin seemed to glow as the inky black tendrils of his shadows sparkled beautifully. I reached down, my fingertips grazing the thick whisps as I stroked them gently, watching as they wrapped around my fingers. "Or perhaps you would like me to tell Soraya here about what happened earlier? I'm sure Dalia would love to hear..." Cinead began and before he could even finish Kamaris lifted his hand off of me and flicked it to Soraya who collapsed onto the table, making me gasp. "Did you..did you kill her?!" I panicked making Cinead laugh a little too loudly as I glanced between him and Kamaris. Yeah, the girl didn't seem to like me..but what did she do to deserve death? "No Amira dear, I did not kill her." Kamaris stated before turning and placing his hand on my chin. "I simply made her fall asleep and experience an illusion." Kamaris explained..which really didn't mean much since I felt more confused than before. I gazed up at him, my eyes settling on his full pink lips as he spoke..but no words seemed to escape him..I was mesmerized by his movements as I bit my lip seductively..wishing I could kiss him right bad. "Seems like the wine is beginning to settle in..about that threesome." Cinead stated playfully as Kamaris stared down at me curiously. "Aren't you curious dark know what she likes." Cinead's words trickled through my ears as I began to pant. "Well then Amira, what is it that you like? Do you want the lord of fire to pleasure you as I watch?" Kamaris asked, making my brow furrow as I began to frown. I shook my head no, making Kamaris's eyes swirl with those beautiful blues. "Then what do you want?" He asked, his question reaching straight to my soul as it echoed through me. What do I want.. "You..only you." I breathed, causing Cinead to groan as he let out a loud sigh. "I knew it..I could sense the s****l tension since the moment you two walked in here." He grumbled as Kamaris continued to gaze down at me. "You want me Amira?" He asked more gently this time as I nodded my head up and down, feeling my body tingle and spark as my head began to grow lighter by the second..I think I'm drunk. Suddenly Kamaris bent down, his lips hovering above mine as his warm breath fanned against me, making me shudder. "Then drink some water. You need to sober up before I take you..I want you to remember every single moment when I f**k you." Kamaris whispered against me just as his lips crashed to mine making Cinead clap his hands enthusiasticly. "This is the single greatest moment of my life." He said happily as Kamaris pulled away before sliding his hand around my thigh possessively. I glanced over at Cinead, feeling my mouth spread into a smile as I leaned into Kamaris before wrapping my arms around his muscular bicep. "Isn't he sooo cute?" I slurred, making Kamaris stiffen beneath me as Cinead nodded his head in agreement. "I mean..he is still kind of an asshole..but d..deep inside of there..he is just like a cute little puppy..I just know it." I giggled before letting out a small hiccup as Cinead joined me. "He is, isn't he! So cute!" He agreed as we both laughed and Kamaris just glared down at me.. "I am not cute." The Dark Lord stated firmly as I gazed up at him. He was trying to act mad but I saw the softness in his eyes, I saw the way he gazed down at me. "Stop laughing." He snapped to Cinead before reaching over and smacking the back of his head. "Ow..why does Amira get your 'I want to f**k you' eyes and I just get hit on the back of my head?" Cinead frowned before rubbing his head and glaring at Kamaris. "Because you started all of this..and besides, your not my type." I glanced at Cinead as I tried to stifle the laughter that kept creeping up when I noticed Soraya was now gone. What did he mean Kamaris made her see an illusion..then I began to think..did he make me see an illusion before? "What's wrong?" He suddenly asked before lifting a glass of water and bringing it to my lips. "Drink." He stated when I didn't move. I quickly took a drink and narrowed my eyes at him. "That thing you did to that girl..have you done that to me before?" I asked, making Kamaris look at me with a blank expression. "Yes." He answered honestly, causing my jaw to drop as Cinead watched us excitedly from across the table. "When?" I blurted, trying to think of what it could've been.. "It doesn't matter does it?" Kamaris stated before making me drink more water. I crossed my arms in front of my chest before pouting like a child. "Amira..drink your water." Kamaris ordered, making Cinead sit up straighter. "Oh, she is brave indeed." He whispered as I shot him a glare next. "I won't unless you tell me." I snapped, feeling annoyed with Kamaris. Kamaris gripped the water glass tightly before clenching his jaw as I watched it can he become even sexier when he is mad.. "It was once after I left my marks on your body. What happened after was an illusion. Now drink." He barked, making me do what he said as I tried to go back and remember what happened afterward. The only thing was him having s*x with Esmerelda. Wait..was that an illusion? "You didn't sleep with her?" I blurted as he darted his gaze towards me, not responding. "Oh gods..not that thing..Kamaris is known as the best lover in Alysian and yet he hasn't slept with a woman in 500's not fair..some of us actually put some real effort into pleasing our partners..but he just fulfills their deepest fantasies through an illusion." Cinead grumbled as I snapped my eyes back to he..he hadn't slept with Esmerelda or any of the others? I don't know what came over me, but before I knew it, I had thrown myself in Kamaris's arms..kissing him with more passion than I ever have before as I climbed into his lap. He really didn't sleep with her..why did that make me feel so happy? Wait...was what we did not real then? He must've known what I was thinking because the next thing I knew he slid his hands behind me before cupping my ass and squeezing. "Everything I ever did with you was real..and what I'm about to goes beyond any fantasy you will ever have."
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