His realm

655 Words
marie pov: I hold my breath and stare at him enable hear or understand anything my brain stopped functioning this always happen when I'm terrified or shock  and it so happen this situation is both. Rose was whispering something beside me but  couldn't decipherer her words and he walking toward me as if approaching a prey ..>.He seem to annoyed but his eyes was different he didn't quite look like how I remember him he had a royal and majestic vide on him that when it occurs to him "HE IS THE MAJESTY". one lesson I learn that day was what drake told me to respect and submit that what save me on that horrible day …I bow my head in respect and just waited he stop right in front of me....my heart was racing praying he doesn't kill me i know he was not human on top of that he is a royal ..meaning i am very insignificant for him. All types of thought came in my mind I was ready to accept  his treat and will beg him to let live i will keep my mouth shut never to disclose of what happen. Finally he spoke "woman from now on you will live in my world but make assumption we have nothing to do with each other ,if i had a choice you would have disappear "..with that he was gone. His word was still registering in head i was in my own world thinking what did he mean you will live here !!!! i turn around looking at rose "i ask her what did he mean i will live in his world  ?" She than told we are in lycan world a different realm and that he is the king of all creature his name is king Nicolas Lune . I was now very angry and refuse to be stuck in here,...I was out of control running  outside like a mad person trying to find him ,' he has to  let me go back home ….The stupid ass i just cant take it anymore first he rape me leaving me with scars engrave in my life now he wants to imprison me in him realm' there's no way i will live here ,everything was going so well in life finally i was happy.' i reach a big living room there was about ten people there ,they were all relaxing eating ,joking having fun i notice drake one the man that contribute to my misery without delay i came right in front of him slap him hard across his face i might be just a measly human but they have no right to abduct me like that …i looked him right in the eye and order him to take me back home ,and to tell his f*****g his highness that his secret is safe i will not say a word to a soul. My eye was tearing non stop angry, scare and confuse ,i simply look at him pleading. Drake seem genuinely sorry …he apologies and tried to calm me down he order someone to bring me some water. Although being mad at him he is my only saviour in this unknown world... After calming down myself surrounded with a bunch of different face with different feature some had pointy ears others has scale ,they all look like fantasy creatures like fairies. Drake ask all of them disperse and not to overwhelmed me. i hold on to his hand tightly as he guide me back to the room and told rose to take care of me ,promising to come back later to answer all my question. All this emotion made super exhausted i felt i little dizzy i lay down on the couch in that room and close my eyes thinking how what to do ….
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