Chapter 5 : Breaking bonds

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I walk out of the dimly lit room back into the mess of a party. The lights are too bright, the smell of alcohol and expensive perfume overfills my lungs and washes away the sense of self as I stumble forward, fixing my dress over and over again, my hands smoothing over it as if whatever I was doing, it was still out of place. No one is looking my way. No one sees the disgust, the slight panic or the dirt I feel that has been wrapped around me like a thick blanket. No one cared enough to see the tears that I refused to let fall down my cheeks. As I make my way through the crowd, I think I see him again. My heart picks up and I grow even more anxious. The feeling bubbles into my stomach making me nauseous. How could I have allowed someone to make me feel this worthless?! Gladly, he doesn’t seem to notice me, and I manage to turn right and head for the marked exit. The music fades and all I can hear is the frenzied thrumming of my heart that drowns every other sound. “Persephone!” A faint voice from the distance tries to break through my chaotic thoughts. “PERSE-“ but it dies as soon as I allow the doors to slam behind me while I rush down the marble steps, to the parking lot in the back of this fancy prison. My job here was done. My performance has ended! There was no need for me to stay around any longer, right?! I open the door and jump into the car, and before any ounce of sanity can come crashing down, I drive off, ignoring the tall silhouette that watches me from the marble doors.For all I knew, it could be Santa, writing my name on the /Naughty/ list. Truly, I didn’t care if it was him, friend or foe anymore. I wanted to be home. I needed to wash away this disgusting, almost slimy feeling that crept its way to my heart. Maybe I will never be able to wash it away- Just at this thought, I no longer have the strength to keep the tears away and they flood my cheeks and eyes, clouding my vision. The drive back home seems longer than it should be. On the seat beside mine, my phone keeps ringing, but goes ignored over and over again. I hurry to park my car as soon as I get into the driveway and kill the engine as I lean into my seat and let out a loud groan of frustration. I feel like a fool for running like this. There was no reason for me to storm out like this! /You look like a w***e -/ Joshua’s harsh words ring so loud in my head that he might as well be with me in the car. I lean up and check myself in the rearview mirror. My makeup is a mess, my liner smudged, my mascara wet and running down my cheeks alongside the restless tears. Is this how whores look? Does one feel this dirty after - A passing shadow scrambles my thoughts and I dare to look away from the mirror, towards the figure who stopped in front of the car. s**t… I hurry to wipe some of the mess with my hands, before I grab my purse and get out, slamming the door of my car. With a fake confidence, I try to walk past Joshua who lets out a low huff and blocks my way, brows narrowed, eyes filled with disapproval. “You’re home late-“ he mutters with that mocking tune that simply asks for a knee in the balls. “Late?” I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around myself. “Oh please! If I were late, you’d be long gone already! I’m a tad too early-“ I huff and drop my arms in frustration with a loud sigh escaping me as well. “Why are you still here?” I groan and push past him, my voice breaking slightly. “You’ve been crying.” He answers as if it was not obvious. “Took you only five years to notice it.” I mock him with a fake smile plastered on my lips as I continue to walk towards the building. “Persephone -“ he sighs and grabs my arms, turning me around harshly. The heel of my shoe gives in and snaps and as it does, so do I. I don’t hesitate to turn around and slap him with all my strength and build up anger and rage. Tears fill my eyes, my lips pressed together in a thin line as my force of the impact makes my own hand ache. I glare at him, as he takes a hold of himself, eyes wide filled with confusion. “Leave!” I hiss before I turn around and make a run for it, not giving him the chance to ask for an explanation or at redemption. I take the elevator to the fifth floor and while the silence of the strange metal thing fills my chest, I break down once more. My last pair of dancing shoes snapped. I left without my pay. Rent was due and the medical bills as well - I feel the weight of it all on my shoulders, making me break down once more as soon as I enter my little apartment. Joshua has packed his things and now that I see the place so empty, everything hits a little harder. I struggle to make my way to the sofa in the living room and crash on it. The blow of it all silenced any tear or sob that would otherwise fill the room. There was nothing but silence now. There was no one to yell or be jealous, there was no one to tell me I am worthless or a w***e… and there was no one to comfort me either. For the first time in a very long while, I was alone… *** “So-“ Karina murmur, the straw still between her lips. “He left -“ she still seems a little dumbstruck about everything. “Me and Joshua have been long gone.” I sigh while I burry my face into the pillow. “Yeah, I know that!” She huffs and sets the cup of coffee aside, laying down beside me. “I still don't understand. Weren’t you guys trying for a kid just a few months ago?” Truly, with everything else happening, I somehow managed to forget that chapter. My heart feels hollow suddenly and the memory of Thomas, balls deep inside of me makes me feel even worse. If that was possible at all. Karina notices the change of mood, and she turns on her side, facing me. She brushes her hand on my back. I did not have the guts to tell her about Thomas… I couldn’t tell anyone about it, could I? That I slept with Bechtel's heir, that I tossed away five years of relationship the same night I opened my legs for the mafia Boss’s son. Just how much of a scum was I? “If it makes you feel any better -“ Karina starts, and I don’t have to look at her. “I am glad it’s over.” I feel guilty for not feeling miserable about it. “I’m glad he is out of the picture. He was never a good match for you, anyway. And a kid? That would have made matters worse!” “Karia!” I groan, not looking at her. “That’s rather heartless, don’t you think?!” “Not when Thomas Bechtel shows an interest in you!” She smirks widely and my heart skips a beat. Actually, the thought of it is painful and my lungs suddenly ache as I forget to breathe. “He was obviously looking for you right before you left-“ she adds, with a dreamy sigh. “A man like him -“ she hums, clearly having lost her mind. “I gave him your number -“ she eyes me with the side of her eyes. “Karina, you might as well be my enemy.” I hiss through gritted teeth. “Didn’t you just call to tell me you are single?!” She protests. “I called you because I have been dumped!” I counter, anxiety gripping my heart once more. Thomas had my number… no… that was the littlest of my concerns. Thomas was the son of the most powerful man in this city. He could find me in a few damn minutes if he cared enough to. My phone number was irrelevant to him - But just as I think this, my phone chimes and my heart feels like it’s about to burst. Without wasting a single heart beat, Karina jumps out of the bed and grabs my phone, putting distance between us, as I lurch forward, trying to grab the phone from her hands. But she stops abruptly, her eyes round in shock as she stares at my screen. “Give this here!” I hiss as I grab it from her hands and glare at the screen. The sound was clearly a notification, but I expected some sort of blackmail, not a notification from my bank…
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