Chapter 9-1

586 Words

9 Razor landed the compact Skid gently down on the rooftop of the building. He climbed off the small bike-like transport that was perfect for moving quickly over congested areas. He scanned the surface of the rooftop as he did. The twisted remains of the rooftop crane bent awkwardly over the side of the building. The broken remnants of the sign that once proudly displayed the name of the building were mixed with pieces of brick, mortar and helicopter fragments. “What were you doing up here that night?” he murmured quietly, looking up at the remains of the sign. “Thinking… dreaming… wishing,” a soft voice responded from the darkness behind him. “I love staring up at the stars. On a calm night, I would stand up on the top of the sign, close my eyes and imagine I could fly out over the cit

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