Chapter 7-2

617 Words

Badrick drew in a hissing breath before his cold eyes turned back to Razor’s challenging stare. He forced himself to relax. Stepping back, he briefly bowed his head to show he recognized the quiet threat in Razor’s voice. He shielded the hatred in his eyes even though he knew the Trivator could smell it. The cynical amusement in Razor’s eyes were like claws ripping through his gut. It perturbed him that he had not known the human male had an explosive on him. He would be having a conversation with his new security team as soon as he got rid of the two Trivator warriors. “My apologies,” he said with a fake smile. “Of course the human may remain. Perhaps we should retire to the Colonel’s office while your second oversees the removal of the bodies?” “Agreed,” Razor replied. “Cutter, see if

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