Chapter 14-2

756 Words

Razor watched as she struggled to sit up. She kept the flat sheet tucked around her as she twisted until she was sitting on her knees. One hand held the sheet protectively against her while she stared at the intricate patterns of his language that graced her right wrist. He twisted, sitting up on the edge of the bed as well. The bedspread fell to lay across his lap. Frustration ate at him as he studied her fearful expression. Dark brown eyes lifted to his. He could see the panic in them as she held her wrist up. “What is this?” she demanded again. “What does it mean?” Razor’s eyes hardened with determination as he gazed back at her. He rose to his feet, letting the cover fall away as he reached for his trousers laying across a chair near the table. He kept his back to her while he stepp

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