Chapter 2

1104 Words
We begun our route throughout the south side in search for any other members who wished to join the Werewolf Commission in this region. We walked amongst trees and made small talk, trying to get to know each other. "And you Eddie?" Noah asked me, "-which pack are you from?" I avoided eye contact and looked down at the grass I stepped on. I couldn't say I was the Alpha's brother. Word could get out, and if it went back to Tate or Elina I'd be dead meat. "Actually, I stay at the Werewolf Committee," I said in a casual tone and from the corner of my eye I saw Chace glance at Dan and then at me. "The Committee huh? Is your family familiar with the main Alpha or Luna?" He asked in pure curiously and I quickly chuckled in amusement. "Not that I know of," I shrugged, "-I'm just there on a scholarship," I explained and the boys lost interest. I was grateful for the many years I spent in Elina's presence. My lying wasn't detected. Charlie suddenly cleared his throat and my gaze drifted to his as we continued walking. "After we do, uh, form our group, how do we locate the human hunters?" Charlie asked as he pulled out a pair of navy coloured gloves and quickly slipped them on. At this, Dan reached into his back pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. "That ones on me," he mumbled as he stopped walking for a second to rest the paper on his knee, and to straighten the creases out. He then held it out in front of him and the rest of us circled around him, tilting our heads to look at the sheet. It was a fairly complicated map. From every stream and lake, to ever forest and woods were clearly labeled by name. Through out the several lines, there were large red crosses on specific areas. Chris examined the sheet for a few seconds before silently stepping back and shoving his hands into his pockets. He then silently waited for us to finish. Charlie curiously pointed his finger on the red crosses. "What do they mean?" He asked and Dan grinned. "They, are where several groups of hunters are camping." I grabbed the paper from Dan and rotated it so it was facing me. "How do you know that that's where they are?" Chace asked with frowned eyebrows and Dan rolled his eyes. "One of us had to do our research. I visited several packs and asked about the recent attacks. Some tracking down and following of trails was all I needed," Dan said proudly. Looks like he'll be the tracker of the group. "Well," Noah began, "-then based on your latest tracking and the freshest scents, we'll start from the oldest before they change grounds." And his the brains of the group. I kept a mental note to keep an eye and ear out for the roles unconsciously being made. Dan opened his mouth to speak, but he was nudged by Chris. Dan frowned at the silent boy and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. We looked at Chris who pointed to his ear, and then nodded his head in the direction behind us. I listened in carefully to hear three separate footsteps. The others also took notice and I folded up the sheet in my hands and shoved it in my back pocket. I glanced at Chris who remained silent as he leaned onto a near by tree. We also seemed to have the eyes and ears of the group. I couldn't help but think. I slowly turned around and watched along with the others as a group of three boys walked out from amongst the trees. They looked the same age as Noah, Charlie, Chris and I. The one who walked in the middle had messy dark hair and an arrogant stance. The two behind him were twins, that much was obvious. "You guys?" The one in the middle said with a disappointed tone, "-this is the Werewolf Commission?" I raised an eyebrow at him and took a step forward. "Indeed. Is there a problem?" I asked in obvious distaste and I crossed my arms over my chest. I could've used the authoritative voice of an Alpha, considering Tate was my brother. Sure, I wasn't and wasn't going to become an Alpha, but the leadership ran in my veins. However that wasn't an option. Tate couldn't know I wasn't off to a new school. The boy eyed me up. He then eyed the other five boys standing behind me and glanced away, deciding not to argue. "Well then," he said dropping his backpack to the ground. "I'm Conner. These are the twins, Owen and Evan," he said pointing towards the blonde haired one Evan, and the dark haired one, Owen. "Eddie," I replied in return. The others also introduced themselves and Chace cleared his throat. "How'd you guys get the message about the group?" Chace asked in a casual tone, however I knew he was being cautious because of their arrogant behaviour. One of the twins, Owen, smirked and rolled his eyes. "We got the message and we're simply interested." Chace gave the boy whom was younger than him a slight glare and gave him a suspicious look. He then shrugged his shoulders and sighed as he took a seat on the ground, leaning his back on a tree. Chace was the cautious and suspicious one of the group. Which was good. We'd have someone to double check our motives. The rest of the boys also made themselves comfortable. Everyone took a seat on the ground and before an awkward silence could settle, Charlie smiled brightly at the new comers and looked up towards me. "Maybe we should spent the night camping out here? Tomorrow morning we could collect everyone else and then start our hunt?" Charlie said with a little bit of nervousness at his idea. I couldn't help but grin. Charlie was the idea generator of our group. I glanced around to see what the others thought. However I noticed Dan, Chace, Noah and Chris also looking at me. I glanced over at the three new comers who lowered their voices and watched boredly. I then let out a sigh and lowered down to sit on the ground, "-Looks like we're camping out here tonight," I announced, "-make yourselves comfortable." Looks like I just got allocated as leader of the group. And also the secret weapon. However no one had to know I was the air Elemental. Not yet.
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