“I gained five pounds.” I stare at my stomach, loving the little human inside but feeling as though my body grows more foreign to me with every day that passes. “We just came from the monthly doctor visit,” Logan informs them before shaking Xavier’s hand and going around the room to say his hellos. “You need to gain weight for the baby,” Mom says. “I know, Mom.” When did my voice turn into the sixteen-year-old version of myself? Oh yeah, when I couldn’t fit into my clothes and I stopped being able to see my ankles. Not that I want to see how swollen they are already. “You’ll be fine. You have a strong husband who will help you lose the weight after the baby arrives,” Cade leans forward and says. Presley pinches Cade’s thigh, and he howls in pain. What a wuss. I’d like to see him sque