Chapter Ten

2766 Words

Laurel Dunaway Journal Entry James and I fought last night. A proper knock-down, drag-out fight. It wasn’t about normal everyday stuff. We hardly ever fight about that. This time it was about Leo, his prized cat. I’d been in a hurry that morning, I’ll admit. I was distracted by my plan, and I must have left the back door ajar. After a thorough search of the house, it became clear the cat must have wandered out. I could have sworn that I’d closed the door, but as my husband so bluntly put it, who else could it have been? It hadn’t helped that I’d called him over lunch about Dad. He hates to be disturbed at work. If I’d known the cat was missing, I would have kept my best sales job for a better time. Timing is very important. I know because the conversation was brief, and we agreed to le

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