Chapter Five

1062 Words

Dr. Max Hastings AFTER “Tell me about the beginning of the affair,” Dr. Jones had asked during her first visit. “I need something to go on.” From the beginning, I was impressed by her candor. No need for formal introductions. Pleasantries? Out of the question. Right out of the gate, she went for it. She made it clear that in her mind, I was on borrowed time. “The affair, Dr. Hastings. It’s imperative that you tell me everything.” First the police, then a detective, followed by my attorney…even before the angry, bitter psychiatrist, they’ve all grilled me about it. I haven’t spoken to the media, but they have their opinions. I am well aware of that. The same questions have been repeated for weeks, by other voices, in other places, as summer slowly morphs into autumn. But something abou

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