Chapter Two

978 Words

Laurel Dunaway Journal Entry I used to think people who kept journals were pretentious. That was before. I suppose you could say things have evolved. Or rather, I have evolved. Memory is a tricky thing. It’s all about perception, and you have to be careful. Perception can be wrong. It’s scary how life has a way of showing you that everything you believed to be true might actually, in essence, be false. The second your life exceeds your wildest dreams, the knife appears at your back. First, he told me a lie. And then, more lies. A s**t-ton of lies. But that wasn’t the problem. Lies are normal, when you’re a womanizer. The problem was that it was the wrong kind of lie. That’s why I have to keep track of them. Hence this journal. Usually, a person’s lies conceal something, and/or protec

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