
217 Words

Take my advice, if you’re reading this: Quit while you’re ahead. Put it down. Walk away. A few chapters in and you’ll wish you had. It won’t be long now. Save yourself. It’s not too late. Get out while you can. Surely, there is something better you could be doing. Why bother with this? You could just as easily be scrolling social media. Netflix and binge, or Netflix and chill—whatever the cool kids are calling it these days—you could do that. Treat yourself to a latte. Call your mom. Mow your lawn. Take one of those master classes on the internet. You know, the ones taught by celebrities? I hear they’re good. Netflix and chillYou could make something out of yourself. It’s not like you’re getting any younger. What happens here is just going to piss you off. Trust me, it only goes downhi

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