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J A M E S All I wanted was to get this stupid ass business date for one of my business associates, Fernando Alonso, over with. I am even considering his request because he has been my long-time partner, and he was not to be messed with. He was expanding his Vegas Nightclub and needed all his VIP partners in attendance at the grand opening. I needed to go with someone who could just play along because Fernando was very much into love and marriage bullshit. And, I knew that the night would be all about me if I didn't go with anyone. He would whine about the fact that I shouldn't make the mistake of being alone, especially, when I get old. “It is difficult to find someone who loves an old man genuinely, except for his money. Look at me. I've got a beautiful wife and two lovely kids,” he would always sing into my ears. I preferred not to end up dead due to his relationship nagging advice. To save me for at least twelve hours, I needed a date. Not a girlfriend. Not a relationship. A date. No strings. No ties. No games. No s*x. So, I had to source for someone who could play that role very well without ulterior motives. So, I called an escort agency. Making it clear and stern that I didn't want any mess created due to a tasty for power and wealth prostitute. Picking my phone, I called FAIR ESCORT SERVICES. I have heard good reviews about their services. At least they try to be discreet with their clients and their ladies are trained. Fair enough, I don't have much of a choice now. It is better to deal with an organisation that holds some kind of accountability and when something goes wrong, you could always sue their ass. Before deciding to use them, I had my Assistant and lawyers carry out all the necessary investigations. One thing I don't need, after twelve hours cause, was, being sued or having to sue someone. “FAIR ESCORT SERVICES?” I asked. “Yes?” a young lady's voice answered politely. It wasn't my thing to use such services. Women weren't much of my problem. And even when I want to get laid, I have got someone for that. At least I know that she isn't f*****g around and would do anything for me. But I had also made it clear that it was just a s****l relationship and nothing more. “James Preston.” Irritated at the fact that I had to mention my name to her. That name was too precious to be known by just anybody. Thank you so much, Fernando, for putting me through this uneasy situation “Ah, yes, sir. Your Assistant has gotten across to us. What would you like?” “I want someone beautiful. Who can function in a high-class event,” I said? “She needs to be able to handle being around people of power and be discreet. I want no gossip. Definitely not a drunk, junkie or cheap girl. No fake boobs and ass.” I ended my demand of qualities for the girl I needed. “That won't be a problem, sir,” the young lady said. “Do you have a specific duration you will be needing her?” “Twelve hours.” “Okay. You need to be screened for STDs and also take a drug test. She will equally be tested. Is the function within or outside the country?” I sighed and rubbed my temples; twelve hours with Fernando was going to be bad enough. And now I am putting myself in a position of looking after some money tasty b***h? I don't think this is worth it. Oh, f**k this! The mere thought of having to deal with responsibility for twelve hours made me want to throw up. I can't have her in my arms as if it is worth it. It will only bring unnecessary attention and headlines, which she might take advantage of. “Sir, are you there with me?” “Yes. On second thought, I am cancelling the arrangement.” “Pardon?” “The whole arrangement, I am cancelling it. I won't be needing your services,” ending the call. I'll just have to deal with Fernando and his talks after all. It is enough that I've work to deal with. Having to babysit a hooker and her lust, I don't have time for that. Not a chance. For some reason, I became restless. Pacing around my penthouse in a way that seemed as if doing so would solve my current problem. I've always been a man of certainty. I hate the unknown. Not being sure and desperate. This wasn't some big contract I had to deal with, but it was, definitely, tiring me out. I was already dressed in my suit, ready to leave for work before I decided to try something I knew would later come to bite me in the ass. Thank God I had put an end to that madness as soon as it began. This Fernando's event would only give rise to rumours that I was gay. I wonder what crack head would come up with that headline. They were always waiting for a mistake from me just to create a headline. And I made it my concern to constantly disappoint them. I wasn't gay like they all thought, but, it was better not to let them know. It saved me from silly dramas of women because I didn't also make affairs with women my priority. Having to work my way up, I plan to remain up, and there is nothing that drags one down apart from getting into messy entanglements. Exhaling, I kept pacing round and round, my footsteps hitting hard on the polished hardwood floor. My beautiful hardwood floor. I preferred to be alone or drowned in work and nothing else. “Sir, we are ready to leave,” Athens, my Chief Security Officer, informed me. “I'll be out in a minute,” I instructed. The rising sun flooded my house. It was always the most beautiful sight that I loved to behold. The way the sun rays made beautiful patterns that bounced off my wall down to the windows, made me admire the meticulous work of nature. I took a deep breath, inhaling the free air and looking around once more at my surrounding. I had a beautiful space with expensive furnishings, maids at my beck and call, neat and peaceful. I would never compromise at this for anything. Getting my suitcase, I stroll to the elevator, where my men were already waiting for me. On a casual day to work, I go with Philip Morris and Lewis Adian. But when it gets tough and busy, I go with both of them and Athens. Then, if it is something dangerous or perceived to be dangerous, I go with the whole twelve men square. Today was just one of those casual days. Ride to work, do some meetings, fire some people and retire back home. And, I forgot that my sister was coming over to nag me to death. She usually did Mondays at my house. “Ready, sir,” Athens said, leading me to the elevator. We rode the thirty-two floors down to my garage, where my exotic cars were parked. Today Is Monday, so it has to be the SUV for both guards and the 718 Spyder for me. Athens carried out the final security check on the vehicles before we left. He had to make sure that I wasn't dying today. In my line of business, everybody wants you dead because there is competition. And since I've been the most successful in the business, that makes me a primary target. Many people want me to die, but, I take precautions not to let that happen to them easily. *********************** “When are you going to bring someone home, James?” My sister, Anaella, asked. At first, people thought that we were twins because of the striking resemblance between us. But, Anaella was five years older than me, and she was so married with two kids who never got enough of their favourite uncle, me. She was also a successful pianist who has built her way to the top through working hard and being smart. She inspired me a lot. With all that, her heart was so golden. I was lucky to have her, and that was the only reason I kept tolerating her annoying Inquisition about my love life. She was a pain in the ass and not easy to ward off. If not for the fact that I loved her so much, I would have restricted her access to my house. It was always so tiring around her because she would go on and on about love. She was my only sister and the sibling I was closest to. She has been disturbing me for being single.  She even took the pain of setting me up on a few dates and when she saw that the girls weren't interesting to me, she set me up with a man. I didn't pick an offence because she was looking out for me. "Soon, Sis. Soon,” I answered. Deep down, the truth was bitter. I was far from bringing anyone home, talk more of a woman. My focus was never on love or woman. Yes, I was rich, successful, handsome, kind, authoritative and disciplined. Possessing all the qualities any woman could and will ever ask for, but his stand with love wasn't so impressive. Over the years, I built a world around quick f**k and discharge rather than relationships.  Anaella was even lucky to get an answer from me because if it was any other person at all, he or she would have gotten absolute silence and nothing more. But when it comes to Anaella, I saw her as my mother and best friend to an extent despite the age difference. We both had a connection that made us inseparable, not to mention the striking resemblance that earned the twin title for us. Apart from the resemblance, character-wise, we had nothing in common. Anaella was the second in the family, followed by myself, been the last child. Isaac was the first, and, we didn't get along so well. “James, you know that you won't die an old lonely man. I would never allow that.” She kept preaching. I scowled with frustration at the annoying sermon I was getting from her. But I had to cover my displeasure immediately because I hate seeing her feelings hurt. Even if I don't like it very much, I would never show it to her face. I just had to hold on and count down to when she will leave. “Sis, when I find the one, I'll make sure that you are the first to know.” I attempted once more to bring the conversation under control. “Tell me about it. That isn't the response I've been getting for five years now, and yet, there is no one. Not even a man or a woman. Whichever you preferred.” “Ana, for the last time, I am not gay.” “You have to prove that to me. What are you, then? A monk? I mean, you must have needs that someone should be attending to.” “I won't be discussing my s*x life with you. That is my private business.” “Oh, please. Whatever.” She glared at me and huddled herself on the couch. “You know I hate legs on my couch,” I said calmly to her, trying to maintain whatever sanity I've left. “That rule doesn't apply to me, James Preston,” she barked. “Of course,” I mumble. She was right. I've forgotten that Anaella wasn't one who you could push around or make rules for. That was simply impossible because she wasn't following it. “How are Minnie and Winnie?” I asked after her lovely twin. Those kids were simply adorable and to think that my sister got such a blessing with her wife, Audrey, is simply beautiful. Anaella met Audrey in one of her concerts, where Audrey was working as the event manager. According to her, it was love at first sight because the just clicked. Dating for just a week and, by the second week, they got married in a beautiful private wedding in Boston by the beach. She made love beautiful, genuine and pure. Audrey is a lovely person, and she has not proven otherwise. “They are at home with Audrey. Then we're nagging about how they wanted to see Uncle James but knowing that this is my escape from them, I dare not to bring them along.” She laughed. “Well played.” I joked. “How is the company?” “You know, a little competition here and there. Nothing I can't handle.” “I trust your capacity.” Minutes later, she stood and walked toward the exit, “do you care for something?” She asked. “Interesting. What do you have?” I sarcastically said? “Not now, young man.” She sternly said. It is so funny how she would ask me that since she's in my house, but I thought I would lighten the mood since she is the one who makes me remember that there is still a thing as a joke. “How about cranberry juice.” “Okay, kiddo.” She walked out. I kept reviewing documents from the office and minutes later, she came back with ice cream for herself and cranberry juice for me. Handling the juice to me, “thank you,” I said. “Have you had dinner because you seem so lost with work.” “Yes, I have. Ate before coming back home.” “Better. If you don't have a woman in your life, you should have proper food,” she winked and sat down. “Not again, Ana. I'll be dragging your ass out of my house with the way you are tormenting me about this.” “I'll love to see you try.” I shook my head in disagreement. This is a disaster. It got so late and I needed to rest. “I should get going. It is late,” she said, and I was grateful because it is as if she read my mind. Standing to her feet, she took her handbags that was laying by the couch. “Do you want me to send Athens with you?” “Not at all. I'll be just fine. Go to bed, young man,” she ordered. “Yes, mum.” Walking her to the door, I kissed her goodbye and watched as she walked to her car and left. I left the document as they were and went to bed.
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