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Caroline POV When Hunter scoops Angelica up and heads towards her room, I take a deep breath trying to quell my nerves. I have no idea why I'm so nervous but I am. It's like it's my first time all over again. I'm not that inexperienced girl who needed my mate to teach me what he wanted. I shut off the TV and head into the room we have been sharing. "You need to relax. Our mates want us as much as we want them. It's going to be amazing to finally feel the connection to them. Why don't you get ready for our mate, Caroline?" "I am ready, Clover. Even though I'm nervous, I know I want this to happen. I want Hunter more than I want my next breath." "Then you are wearing too many clothes to greet our mate. You need to show him his reward for being so patient with us" she says with a chuckle. "

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