1816 Words

Judith POV Sophia is sitting on my lap when Caroline, Hunter, Angelica, and Orion walk into the common living room. Hugo and Cranden decided to join Liam for training. Nicky and Marley headed to help out at the hospital. I was glad to have a little time alone with Sophia. I'm so happy that Marley is doing so well. It's funny how our shared experience with that ba**ard has brought us closer. She truly is an amazing person and she is going to be an amazing mother. Angelica rushes over and climbs up next to me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I can't help but smile at her energy and bubbly personality. Caroline said when she first visited the orphanage that Angelica didn't speak or play with other children. It's hard to believe how different she has become because of Caroline and Hunter.

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