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Yesterday Hayden POV I scoop Cordelia up and rush her to the pack hospital. Orion and Marley are hot on my heels as I run faster than I knew I could. As soon as I step into the hospital lobby, the pack doctor rushes toward me. A nurse pulls a gurney over and I lay Cordelia down. I go to follow them but the doctor stops me at the door. "She is in good hands, Beta. Give us some time to figure out what's going on. I will update you as soon as I can" the doctor says, rushing through the double doors. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see a look of sympathy on Orion's face. "Hayden, I don't know exactly what happened but my wolf sensed a change in her when she accepted the pack." "What kind of change?" "I don't know for sure but you need to have faith that she will be fine. Your mate i

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