1818 Words

Judith POV I'm surrounded by darkness and silence. I'm not sure how long I've been here. I'm lying on something soft and I can't remember where the hell I am. I take a deep breath and the scent that invades my nose makes my stomach roll. My eyes fly open and my heart starts to pound in my chest. This can't be happening. I slide off the bed and I feel like I can't breathe. "Calm down Judith. Losing your sh*t is not going to help us get the f**k out of this room", Tempest says. I know she's right, I just never expected this to happen. Why would Warlocks be working with Bernard? He hates anyone who isn't a wolf. "Hugo" I say his name as everything that happened at the gate flashes in my mind. I take a deep breath and reach out to my mate. He doesn't answer, but I can feel our bond is still

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