“Why don’t you just let me go?” I suggested. “You got what you were always after.” “But I can’t, don’t you see?” he said angrily. “I’ve waited since the fall for one such as you. I will not let you go a third time. Amy would not let you come back, if it was up to her — she has found someone to fear at last.” The passion that filtered through the anger in his voice startled me. It didn’t fit with the violence he’d inflicted upon my body, and Amy, but if violence was everything to him, why did he ease my pain with his medicinal vamps? “You don’t understand, do you,” he said dryly. “Amy is nothing. She’s always been nothing. If there was something between us it was all in her own mind. Surely you don’t think I would have fallen for all the plotting to depose her — of which I was the instig