Don’t beat the messenger

1156 Words
STAR One week, just one more week and I am out of here, and I can’t fu.cking wait. It has been a great week. Spending time with the triplets has been great. Who am I kidding? It’s been fa u.cking fantastic come true. I never noticed just how different they are. Ace, for example, has always come across as strict, almost rigid, brooding and bossy, and he can be all of those things. But he is also intuitive, highly intelligent, able to admit his limitations and is so caring. I can see how deeply he feels for others, and as the oldest he feels that it’s his responsibility to make sure the pack runs smoothly. Alexei is the warrior. Yes, all three are amazing fighters, but Alexei is the first into battle. He scans every room he goes into looking for possible threats and knows every exit, but he is also one of the most creative people I have ever met. He sees the beauty in the most mundane things, and I could watch him sketch for days. And last but not least, Ashton, he is the gentle (er) of the three; he loves all things in nature, and I suppose, because he is the youngest, there is a lightness that the others don’t have. He is also the cheekiest and likes to play pranks on his friends and family. They consume my thoughts. I mean, I always fancied them. Who wouldn’t? But now, after spending so much time with them, goddess, I am falling for them, all of them. I couldn’t choose between them if I tried. It’s like the moon goddess made them to be the perfect person. They all call to different parts of me, and all of them call to my nether regions. I am so horny, even my freezing bedroom can’t cool down my urge. I dream about all of them together, touching me, kissing me, fu.cking me. I am supposed to be doing homework and all I can think about is naked Alpha triplets. This is stupid. I can’t have them. They will find their mate and it will leave me heartbroken and alone. "GET YOUR FU.CKING ASS DOWN HERE YOU WH.ORE." Here we go. It’s been a quiet week because I have been leaving early with the Alphas. But it’s Saturday, so no sexy Alphas to buy me breakfast. It’s only 11 am. Why is the hag awake? On Saturdays she normally lies in bed unconscious till at least 1pm. I headed downstairs to see my aunt and uncle red-faced. The anger is rolling off them in waves. What have I done now? "It’s about fu.cking time. Your uncle has lost his job because of you, because you got caught fu.cking a group of boys, and cried rape, then blamed it on that lovely girl, Charlotte." What the hell??? "I don’t know what you are talking about, aunt Clementine." she is pacing around behind me, my uncle is glaring at me from the dining room. they have split my focus, I can't watch both of them. Clementine always has dexterity issues in the morning, so I watch Graham, waiting for his nasty left hook. BANG, I heard rather than felt the hit. I fell to my knees, my eyes unfocused, trying to hold on to consciousness. I see my aunt with a frying pan in her hand, "Don’t you dare lie to me, you tramp, just like your filthy who,re of a mother?" I held the back of my head and glared at my aunt. "My mother was not a, she was your sister, how can you........" "My sister wasn’t your mother's slut. Your mother left you in the fu.cking forest to die." What did she say? I can’t think. My vision is blurry. Did she say.... BANG. Another whack of the frying pan, this time on my back. I hear a crack, my rib, I think. I try to get up, but she grabs my hair, uses it to swing me against the table, the corner hitting me above my eye. Blackness is calling me, but I hear saffron in my head. "Star my love, you must pretend to pass out, they will stop, and we can escape." Pretend there is no pretending. I feel myself falling and darkness takes me. "Star! Star, you have to get up, you have to get to safety................ Star get the up!" I managed to open one of my eyes. There is no one else in the kitchen. I try to push myself up, but I don’t have the strength. "Star, you are stronger than this. Now get your up." Saffy, bossy Managing to get to my feet, very wobbly feet, but still, I am semi-upright. "Star, you need to get to the pack house. We need help baby-girl." I stumbled out of the house. The quickest way is through the forest. Stumbling and crawling for what feels like hours. "Keep going......I can feel help is close." "Saffy? are you okay?" goddess, please don't let my wolf be hurt. " keep you.... alive my love.... but I am weak." She goes silent and I feel my pain increase. Looking around, I have no idea where I am, leaning against a tree for support, trying to get my bearings, but my addled brain won't cooperate. And then I hear the sound of laughter followed by fighting, crawling towards the noise, the last of my energy draining away. And then I saw him climbing to my feet. I stumble towards my warrior. "Lexi" It came out like a whisper. I need to do better. I fall to my knees and find the strength to scream. "ALEXEI!" And then the forest comes up and hits me in the face. Everything has darkened, like dusk is falling. I hear voices, but they are so quiet, like they are miles away. I strain my ears, trying to hear. "Come on fairy-girl, wake up and smile at me. Please, baby, I need you to wake up." was that Lexi? I felt my body being jostled and someone asking what happened, and then darkness. ................... "Starlight, can you hear us? Come on beautiful, open those gorgeous eyes." " I am so sorry, Tink. I wasn’t there when you needed me. Please wake up and I will never leave you alone again." I try to open my eyes, bright lights blind me, I try again and manage to blink; I groan and hear three voices at once. "Star? Star, she’s waking up" All three of the triplets are staring at me. I try to speak, but only a croak comes out. Ace brings a glass to my lips. and I take a few sips. "wh... what...happened?" Alexei came closer and kissed my cheek, he whispered in my ear. "You found me fairy-girl, you came out of the forest and fell into my arms."
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